12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Седунова Юлия Владимировна152
Учитель английского языка 1 категории МБОУ СОШ №49 г.Шахты РО
Россия, Ростовская обл., Шахты

Тема: "Давайте отправимся в Великобританию"

Тип урока: Урок изучения нового материала

Класс: 8

Форма урока: Интегрированный урок английского языка и географии

Цель: Создание условий для формирования представлений о странах на базе уже имеющихся знаний


Применение знаний по географии

Развитие познавательного интереса

Реализация интеллектуальных способностей обучающихся

Видео №1     https://youtu.be/mL1RsDRvTig

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends. We are glad to see you. How are you today? We hope everything is O.K. Are you ready to start working?

(Добрый день дорогие друзья! Мы рады вас видеть. Как у вас дела сегодня? Мы надеемся, что все в порядке. Вы готовы к работе?)

Teacher: Today you have a unique chance to travel Great Britain.

(Сегодня у вас есть уникальный шанс совершить путешествие в Великобританию).

Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! This is your stewardess speaking. My name is Julia Sedunova. And this is my colleague Svetlana Ershova. She is a pilot’s assistant. We would like to welcome you abroad Delta flight 31. We are flying to GB. We are flying at an altitude of 11000 meters. Our flight time will be approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes. Please, keep your seatbelts fastened all the time. We wish you a wonderful flight!

(Леди и джентльмены! Сейчас говорила стюардесса. Её зовут Юлия Седунова. Я её коллега, меня зовут Светлана Ершова и я являюсь ассистентом пилота. Мы бы хотели поприветствовать вас на борту самолета Delta flight 31. Мы отправляемся в Великобританию. Мы летим на высоте 11000 метров. Время нашего полета примерно 3 часа 20 минут. Пожалуйста, следите за тем, чтобы вы были пристегнуты ремнями безопасности во время всего полета. Мы желаем вам прекрасного путешествия!)

Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! Attention please! Let’s fill in our Landing Card. In this card you should fill in your name, date, nationality, your occupation, place of visiting and some extra information about visiting country. Please, don’t forget to complete clearly in Block capitals! Thank you!

(Леди и джентльмены! Еще немного вашего внимания! Прежде чем, отправиться в путь и наслаждаться поездкой, давайте заполним ваши миграционные карточки. В этих карточках вам нужно заполнить следующие графы: ваше Ф.И.О., число и месяц рождения, национальность, ваш род деятельности, места посещения (указывать в том порядке, в котором мы приземляемся в страну) и самую главную информацию об особенностях той страны, куда мы летим. Пожалуйста, не забудьте заполнять карточки красиво, понятными печатными буквами. Благодарим за внимание!)

Teacher: So… We’ll be in the UK soon.

Видео №2   https://youtu.be/or6grPZNcVY

Teacher: Now we’re going to visit Great Britain.

Видео №3    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoGJb8hmkS0

Teacher: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom, Great Britain, or simply Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state—the Republic of Ireland.

Teacher: The United Kingdom has its queen. The Queen does not make decisions about the country on a day-to-day basis as this is left to the prime Minister and Parliament. But it is not true that she does not have any power over the UK. She usually agrees with the government.

Teacher: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has its national flag known as the Union Flag or Union Jack. It consists of the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England), edged in white, superimposed on the Cross of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland), which are superimposed on the Saltire (Андреевский крест) of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland). Wales, however, is not represented in the Union Flag by Wales' patron saint, Saint David, as at the time the flag was designed Wales was part of the Kingdom of England.


Teacher: Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and often extended to refer to the clock and the clock tower.


Teacher: The traditional English breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage and other ingredients is ubiquitous (повсеместный) the world over.


Teacher: I would like to check your knowledge up. Who has been the most attentive person today?

Teacher: Ну что ж, дорогие друзья… Нам пора возвращаться домой, к своим обязанностям. Но прежде чем мы это сделаем, нам хотелось бы вас проверить, насколько точно вы запомнили нашу экскурсию. Вы готовы? Не боитесь?

Включаем в презентации «Проверь себя»



General information 

1) What is the official name of Britain?

a) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

b) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

c) The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland

2) What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

a) England, Scotland, Wales

b) England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland

c) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

3) What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Belfast b) Edinbourgh c) Cardiff d) London

4) What is the symbol of England?

a) the thistle b) the daffodil c) the red rose d) the white rose

5) What is the oldest part of London?

a) the East End b) the City c) the West End d) Central London

6) What is the official part of London?

a) Westminster b) the East End c) the West End d) the City

7) What part of London is the symbol of wealth and luxury?

a) the City b) the West End c) the East End d) Westminster 

8) What is the mostly working-class part of London?

a) the West End b) the East End c) Westminster d) Central London

9) What is the national instrument of Scots?

a) the guitar b) the violin c) the bagpipe d) the piano

10) What is Wales called?

a) A “Land of Dance” b) A “Land of Music” c) A “Land of Songs” d) A “Land of Artists ”

Geographical position

11. Where do the British Isles lie?

a) to the East of the continent of Europe

b) to the West of the continent of Europe

c) to the South of the continent of Europe

12. What channel lies between Britain and the continent of Europe?

a) Suez Canal                       b) British Channel

c) English Channel             d) Franch Channel

13. What is the highest mountain peak in Britain

a) Snowdon b) Ben Nevis c) the Grampians d) Olympic

14. What mountains are there in England?

a) the Grampians b) the Cambrian Mountains c) the Pennine Chain d) the Urals

15. What is the longest river in Britain

a) The Severn b) the Thames c) the Ob d) the Nile

16. What river is the British capital situated on

A) The Severn b) the Thames c) the Ob d) the Nile

17. What are the largest islands of the British Isles?

England and Wales b) Ireland and Britain c) Great Britain and Ireland

18. What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by?

a)by the North Sea b) by the Irish Sea c) by the Atlantic Ocean d) by the Indian Ocean

19. What is the western coast of the British Isles washed by?

a) by the North Sea b) by the Irish Sea c) by the Atlantic Ocean d) by the Indian Ocean

20. Why is it never too hot or too cold in Britain?- Because of…

a) the sea b) mountains ) forests d) the rivers

Political System

21. What kind of state is Great Britain?

a) a republic b) a parliamentary monarchy c) an absolute monarchy d) the presidential republic

22. What is the head of the state of Great Britain?

a) the Parliament b) the Queen c) the Prime Minister d) the King

23. When did the Princess Elizabeth come to the throne?

in 1932 b) in 1942 c) in 1952 d) 1967

24. What are the Houses of British Parliament?

a) The House of Lords and the House of Commons

b) The House of Lords and the House of Commons and Senate

c) Senate and the House of Lords

d) The state Duma

25. How many members are there in the House of Lords?

a) more than 3,000 members

b) more than 2,000 members

c) more than 1,000 members

26. Who heads the government of Great Britain?

a) The Queen b) the Prime Minister c) the President d) The King

27. How is the Speaker elected?

a) by all the members of the House of Commons

b) by all the members of the House of Lords

c) by the Queen

d) by the people

28. When do members of each House meet in session?

a) at the e of May b) at the beginning of September

c) at the end of October

29. How long do sessions last?

a) for about 100 days a year

b) for about 160 days a year

c) for about 250 days a year

d) for about 350 days a year

30. Who is the Prime Minister оf great Britain nowadays?

a) Tony Blair b) Margaret Thatcher c) David Cameron d) Theresa Mary May


Teacher: And now we should say good bye. Have a nice day.


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