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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Лескова Елена Павловна560
учитель английского языка, классный руководитель
Россия, Алтайский край, Барнаул
Материал размещён в группе «УМК «Английский в фокусе» «Spotlight»»

My favourite day

..is a perfect day for me.

It starts at……..

In the morning I usually….


In the afternoon…..

After that, ……

In the evening I often……..and…..

Before I go to bed I …….

The best thing about ….. is that…..

I absolutely love…..

have breakfast/ have a family dinner/meet friends/visit relatives/watch a film/eat out/go to the cinema/go out with friends/do sports/go shopping/go to the park/do homework/spend time together/have a lot of free time/go jogging/surf the Internet/tidy the room/set off with best friends/sleep a lot/read books/play sports/cook dinner/do the housework/have piano lessons/go to school/go to the gym/get up late/have a lot of fun/have a bath/play computer games/have a rest/have little homework

My favourite day

..is a perfect day for me.

It starts at……..

In the morning I usually….


In the afternoon…..

After that, ……

In the evening I often……..and…..

Before I go to bed I …….

The best thing about ….. is that…..

I absolutely love…..

have breakfast/ have a family dinner/meet friends/visit relatives/watch a film/eat out/go to the cinema/go out with friends/do sports/go shopping/go to the park/do homework/spend time together/have a lot of free time/go jogging/surf the Internet/tidy the room/set off with best friends/sleep a lot/read books/play sports/cook dinner/do the housework/have piano lessons/go to school/go to the gym/get up late/have a lot of fun/have a bath/play computer games/have a rest/have little homework

My favourite day

..is a perfect day for me.

It starts at……..

In the morning I usually….


In the afternoon…..

After that, ……

In the evening I often……..and…..

Before I go to bed I …….

The best thing about ….. is that…..

I absolutely love…..

have breakfast/ have a family dinner/meet friends/visit relatives/watch a film/eat out/go to the cinema/go out with friends/do sports/go shopping/go to the park/do homework/spend time together/have a lot of free time/go jogging/surf the Internet/tidy the room/set off with best friends/sleep a lot/read books/play sports/cook dinner/do the housework/have piano lessons/go to school/go to the gym/get up late/have a lot of fun/have a bath/play computer games/have a rest/have little homework

My favourite day

..is a perfect day for me.

It starts at……..

In the morning I usually….


In the afternoon…..

After that, ……

In the evening I often……..and…..

Before I go to bed I …….

The best thing about ….. is that…..

I absolutely love…..

have breakfast/ have a family dinner/meet friends/visit relatives/watch a film/eat out/go to the cinema/go out with friends/do sports/go shopping/go to the park/do homework/spend time together/have a lot of free time/go jogging/surf the Internet/tidy the room/set off with best friends/sleep a lot/read books/play sports/cook dinner/do the housework/have piano lessons/go to school/go to the gym/get up late/have a lot of fun/have a bath/play computer games/have a rest/have little homework

Опубликовано в группе «УМК «Английский в фокусе» «Spotlight»»

Комментарии (2)

Светлана Евгеньевна Лось, 17.09.22 в 11:36 0Ответить Пожаловаться
Елена Павловна, спасибо за практичный и полезный ресурс! Удачи Вам!
Лескова Елена Павловна, 19.09.22 в 05:47 0Ответить Пожаловаться
Спасибо, Светлана.
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