12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Толбухина Оксана Васильевна878
Россия, Архангельская обл., Мирный,Архангельская обл


Put the verbs in brackets into right forms.

I (build) a garage all day long yesterday.

If it (be) windy tomorrow, I (go) to the park.

He (play) football after he (do) his homework.

He always (celebrate) New Year at home.

When I came to the square, the clock (strike) ten.

Susan (not decorate)the house now.

Just a minute. Someone (shout) out my name at the moment.

I usually (believe) people.

When Kitty was a child, she (be) afraid of big dogs.

The teacher can’t say if Bob (win) the game.


Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) My friends visited Scotland and Northern Ireland … . (as well/ also)

2) The Tower of London is not a fortress now, it is not a prison now… . (too / either)

3) We didn’t get into the Tower during our stay in London … . (as well / either)

4) London is a big city, Glasgow is … a big city. (as well / also)

5) Big Ben is a symbol of London, a double-decker is … its symbol. (also / too)


Choose the right form.

My trainers (is/are) under my bed. Can you help me to find (it/them)?

What colour (is/are)  her hair now? – I don’t know. She changes (its/ their) colour very often.

There (is/are) no money in my bag and I need (it/them) so much.

One of my gloves (was/were) under the sofa. Where (is/are) (it/them) now?

My pyjamas (is/are) on my bed. (It/they) are very comfortable.


Put in necessary prepositions:

You shouldn’t eat ___ your fingers and talk ___ your mouth full.

When Sandra puts ___ her blue jeans, she looks very slim ___ them.

Len is really good ___ taking photos and he is fond __doing that.

You must come ___ school ___ time.

Will you join ___ us ___ dinner?

Washing ___ is so boring activity.

Is it OK ___ you if we meet ___ square ___ 7 o’clock?

Such things can happen __ everybody.

Опубликовано в группе «Проверочные работы по английскому языку»

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Лукьянова Оксана Яронимовна, 17.08.17 в 10:55 0Ответить Пожаловаться
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