12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Степанова Оксана Сергеевна51
Россия, Ленинградская обл., п. Аннино

Проверочная работа по пройденному материалу

I . Asking for directions / Giving for directions



Where can you buy aspirin?

At the chemist’s

Where can you go and watch new films?

To the cinema

 Where can you rest and have a cup of coffee?

At the cafe

Where can you buy books?

At the book shop

Where can you buy bread?

At the baker’s

Where can you buy toys?

At the toy shop

Where can you send or get letters?

At the post office

II . It is a map of a town. It isnt finished.

(Это карта города, но она не закончена)


Укажите место (подпишите)

The BANK is next to the chemist’s on Park Road

 The CINEMA is opposite the bank on the corner of East Road.

The CAFÉ is next to the bank

The HOTEL is on the corner of East Road opposite the cinema

The BOOK SHOP is next to the cinema and opposite the café.

The BAKER’S is on the corner of Green Street opposite the Chemist’s.

The SPORTS SHOP is behind the baker’s on Park Street.

The TOY SHOP is opposite the sports shop.

The LIBRARY is on East Street opposite the school.

The POST OFFICE is between the hotel and the toy shop on Park Road.

III. Read and choose the right answer.

(Прочитай и выбери вариант ответа)

1. Excuse me, how much are these shorts?

a) Size 32

b) Blue and black

c) $ 14

2. Could you tell me how to get to the hospital?

a) Yes, sure. Go down King Street and turn left.

b) You can t miss it.

c) Where exactly?

3. So, what do you want to buy?

a) Let s go to the supermarket

b) A pair of gloves

c) It s well worth seeing

4. Could you tell me where the vet is?

a) It s near the bank on Park Street

b) You can t miss it

c) Yes. Walk down Park Street and turn right

5. Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here?

a) Yes. There is one on Berry Street

b) It s sixty pence

c) Go there


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