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Ростокина Ирина Сергеевна134
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Павлово

Пояснительная записка

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс ( УМК Spotlight 5)

Цель работы – проверить и оценить сформированность умений аудирования, чтения и письма, лексических навыков по темам (Школа, дом, еда, семья, профессии, животные, праздники, покупки, путешествия) грамматических навыков по темам (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, глаголы to be, have got, can, some\any, артикль а, these\those, that\this).

Источники: УМК Spotlight 5, Test booklet Spotlight 5, Solutions Elementary.



1 Listen to two people talking about a holiday and complete the advertisement.

Послушай и дополни объявление

Come Sail Away With Us

With Star Cruise Lines


From 25th August – 1) __________________September

2) ___________________________ nights on board ship

visit 3) __________________________ islands

see 4) __________________________ sites

two 5) __________________________ and three restaurants on board

We offer a special price of £2,000 for two people!

For further details call Tom on 1234 567899 during office hours.



2 Fill in the gaps. Use the words below. Заполни пропуски. Используй слова из рамки.

umbrella naughty breakfast French dangerous postman block parades Tuesdays cereal

On Sundays our family usually has ______________________ at half past eight in the morning.

I have PE classes on ____________________ and Thursdays.

Can you give me a box of __________________?

My father is a ________________________. He delivers letters.

Snakes are ____________________. They can bite.

It’s raining. Take an _____________________.

On Victory Day we usually have street __________________

She lives in a ___________________ of flats.

I am from France. I am ________________________

My brother is noisy and _______________________


3 Choose the correct variant. Выбери правильный вариант.

We usually sleep\are sleeping at night.

I am\are in Grade 7.

We don’t watch\aren’t watching TV at the moment.

She have\has got a nice dress.

Those\that are my shoes.

There is\are milk in the fridge.

There is an\some orange in my lunch box.

I can\can’t speak French. I only speak English.

Who is that girl? What is his\her name?

Dan will\won’t meet us at the airport. He is busy.


4 Read the email below and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Прочитай текст и отметь отверждения как П (Правильные) или Н (Неправильные)

Dear Joy,

How are you? It’s my birthday next Saturday and I’m having a party at my house. We always have a great time!

I usually decorate my house with a lot of colourful balloons and we play great party games such as Simon Says, Twenty Questions and many more.

Then, there’s the food. My mother cooks a lot of delicious food! We usually have pizza with ham, bacon, mushrooms and peppers, ham and cheese or tuna sandwiches and a lot of different salads. There is always a lot of coke, orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course. I love chocolate so it’s always a chocolate cake.

So, I really hope you can make it! The party starts at six. Don’t be late!




Helen decorates the house with balloons.

Simon Says is a party game.

Helen cooks the food.

There is only one salad.

Helen doesn’t like chocolate.


5 You've got an e-mail from your friend. Write him/her a letter and answer his questions. Write 50-60 words Напиши письмо другу, ответь на 3 его\ее вопроса. Напиши 50-60 слов.

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your e-mail.

My birthday is on the 14th of May. Every year I celebrate it with my family and friends. I decorate the house with balloons, my mother cooks special food and we play board games and dance. Sometimes we go to the café and order pizza and lemonade.

When is your birthday? What do you do on your birthday? What food do you like?

Write back.

Best wishes,






Текст аудирования

Hello, can I help you?
− Yes, I would like some information about a cruise around the Greek Islands.
− Of course. When do you want to travel? This week?
− Oh, no. In August.
− Let me see. Yes, there is a special two−week tour that starts on the 25th August and ends on 8th September with Star Cruise Lines.
− That sounds good. How many nights are you on board the ship?
− Twelve nights on board the ship and two nights are on the island of Santorini.
− How many islands will I visit?
− You will visit ten islands.
− OK. Is the ship nice?
− Yes, it’s very nice. It’s very big and it’s got two swimming pools and three restaurants.
− Great! OK. I’ll book this tour for two people.
− Certainly. We’ve got a special price of just £2000 for two people.
Do you want … ?



Come Sail Away With Us
Tour the Greek Islands
With Star Cruise Lines
From 25th August – 
1) 8th September
2) 12 nights on board ship
3) ten islands
4) ancient sites
5) swimming pools and three restaurants on board
We offer a special price of £2,000 for two people!
For further detailes call Tom on 1234 567899 during office hours.


1 breakfast

2 Tuesdays

3 cereal

4 postman

5 dangerous

6 umbrella

7 parades

8 block

9 French

10 naughty



1 sleep

2 am

3 aren’t walking

4 has got

5 Those

6 there is

7 an

8 can’t

9 her

10 won’t



1 T

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 F



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