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Материал опубликовала
Алиева Афак Салех кызы1164
Окончила Сургутский Государственный Университет в 2011г; диплом с отличием; Учитель первой квалификационной категории.
Россия, Ханты-Мансийский АО, Сургут
Материал размещён в группе «Ты – мне, я – тебе»



Spell the words.











Read the text and mark true and false statements after it.

Why Do Men Wear Beards?

When you see a man with a beard, doesn’t he somehow look impressive and important? In the history of man, this has been the way people looked upon beards. It was a sign of manhood.

That’s why you will find that in ancient times, when an important person was shown, he was usually shown with beard. The Greek god, Zeus, was shown with a bird; drawing representing god showed a beard; Abraham and King Arthur were always pictured with beards.

In the western civilization, there is no general rule about beards. Sometimes they were considered stylish and right for man to have, sometimes no man would want to be seen with a beard.

Long before the conquests of England by the Normans, the beard was considered unfashionable and not worn by men. Then the style changed and beards became popular again. The kings of England, who set the fashions that men followed, demonstrated different tastes for beards. For example, Henry the second had a small beard, Henry the third had a long beard.

By the middle of the thirteenth century, most men were wearing full and curled beards, and it was common in the fourteenth century. Then beards disappeared again during the fifteenth century, and slowly began to come back into fashion with the sixteenth century. It was Henry the eighth, who made the beards the fashionable again.

During the time of Queen Elizabeth the first, lawyers, soldiers, courtiers and merchants all had beards. But Ann became queen of England, Nobody who was anybody either a beard or moustache or whiskers. In fact, when George the third was imprisoned and his beard was allowed to grow, many of his followers felt this was the most horrible and insulting thing of all.

So, you see that shaving the beard off for a man has not been simply a question of having a razor. These have existed for thousand of years. To wear a beard or not has been simply a question of style.

True’ or ‘False’?

1.In ancient times people that a beard made a man look more important.

2. Fashion for beards changed with time.

3.On the British Islesmen began shaving their beards off only as result of Norman conquest.

4. All English kings wore small beards.

5. Henry the eighth lived in the sixteenth century.

6. Razors have appeared only recently and when they appeared the fashion for beards changed.

3. Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs to rush, to do, to run, to get, to set.

1.It’s getting late. Do you think it’s time to____?

a) set out b) set off

2.Jack ____ the radio as he couldn’t concentrate on the article he was reading.

a) turned down b) turned on

3.____the pancake or it will get burnt.

a) turn over b) turn on

4.I’ll____ my bedroom but a little later.

a) do out b) turn out

5.Diana is not very pleasant to deal with. She always ____.

a) runs her friends down b) gets her friends down

6. Do not ________ conclusions!

a) rush at b) rush to

Express the same using passive constructions.

Example: Sandy doesn’t make any mistakes in her English tests. – No mistakes are made by Sandy in her English tests.

1. The car stopped and wouldn’t start again. So we pushed it to the side and repaired.

2. We often devour interesting books without noticing the beauty of the author’s style.

3. Parents often give their children some pocket money.

4. Merrymind made a real bargain when he bought the fiddle at the fair.

5. I don’t want you to rush at me for a harmless joke that I paid.

5. Open the brackets to make the story complete.

Gold fever.

Gold mining is not easy, but whenever has been discovered, people (attract) 1 by it.

In 1851 gold (discover)2 in South Africa. The gold mines (turn)3 out (be)4 the richest in the word. People (build)5 a town near the gold fields and (call)6 it Johannesburg. Today it (be)7 one of biggest towns of Africa. South America now (produce)8 ѕ of the world’s gold.

In 1896 an American Indian (discover)9 gold near the Klondike River in Canada. Within a year a new town (build)10. One could (see)11 fortune-hunters (arrive)12 from all over Canada and the USA.

There (be)13 gold in Britain too. Royal wedding rings always (make)14 of gold from Wales. But people who (search)15 for gold in some Welsh rivers (have to)16 (spend)17 a very long time washing before they (find)18 even a small grain of gold.

There (be)19 steel gold fever today in South America. But is not digging for gold. The most popular “soap opera” on South Africa TV (call)20 “Eqoli – Place of gold”. It’s not about those who (dig)21 gold many years ago, it’s about people who (live)22 in Johannesburg – the city (build)23 on gold.

An additional task. Translate in English.

Если бы Джейн была переводчицей, она смогла бы сейчас поработать.

Если бы он не был так груб, о нем бы так много не говорили.

Жаль, что Алиса так расстроена (разочарована) своими оценками.

Если бы Ник был дома, он бы нам позвонил.

Если бы мы вскоре получили письмо от нее, мы бы знали последние новости.

Опубликовано в группе «Ты – мне, я – тебе»

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