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Юкович Елена Николаевна509
Россия, Калининградская обл., п. Нивенское Багратионовский район

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку за курс 4 класса 2017-2018 учебного года

1. Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски: drink, play, count, write, do, have, answer, learn.

We must ________ our homework every day.

Children ________ a good time at school.

They __________ new words in the English lesson.

I __________ teacher’s questions every day.

We________ many poems by heart.

My little sister can _________ from 1 to20.

During the break we ________ orange juice.

Mary and Ben don’t ________ computer games at school.

2. Какое слово лишнее?

dress, sweater, boots, shirt.

board, desk, boy, bookshelf

Maths, PE, daughter, Reading, Russian.

ruler, dictionary, horse, pencil

white, yellow, long, red, black

3. Выбери нужный вспомогательный глагол do, does.

________Ann play volleyball at school?

When _____you usually write letters?

_____ they usually go to the park on Sundays?

_______ his sister speak English?

What ______ you usually do in the evening?

4. Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple.

Kate ( get ) up at 6 o’ clock.

She ( wash ) her face and hands.

Then she ( have ) breakfast with her mum, dad and sister Ann.

After breakfast she ( go) to school.

After school Kate ( do ) her homework and ( walk) with her friends in the street.

In the evening she ( take) her pet for a walk and ( watch ) TV.

I ( make ) a cake with my mum yesterday.

She ( play) and ( swim) in the river last summer.

5. Определи в каком времени построены предложения (present simple –настоящее время, past simple – прошедшее время, future simple – будущее время) и запиши.

1) My dad drew a nice picture last week. _____________________________

2) She always gets good marks. ____________________________________

3) They will visit the USA next year. ________________________________

4) Her brother usually watches TV in the evening. ______________________

 5) We played and swam in the river last summer. _______________________

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