12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Егоров Иван Сергеевич156

English Test

Вариант – 1.

Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) She usually (go) to her lesson at 8 o`clock.

2) Is Tomas (play) football now?

3) My little sister is (write) a letter to my brother right now.

4) His father (read) a newspaper every evening.

5) My friends often (visit) me at home.

6) My parents always (relax) at the weekend.

7) Where is Jimmy? He is (sleep) now.

8) Mary is (listen) to the radio at this moment.

9) He doesn`t (go) to sleep early.

10) Do they often (watch) TV at night?

11) John (wash) his car every week.

12) What are you (do) right now. - I am listening to the music.

13) My brother always (read) a book after school.

14) Does he (like) apples? - No, he doesn`t.

15) What are you (look) for? - I am looking my CD-player.

16) Mr. Harris doesn`t (live) in Brazil. He lives in Boston.

17) Tom (work) on computer every day.

18) Is Betty drawing a picture? - No, She is (walk) in the park.

19) My mother (play) the piano now.

20) My grandmother often (work) in the garden.

21) She (wear) a warm jacket in winter.

English Test

Вариант – 2.

Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) Clara is (drive) a car right now.

2) My brother doesn`t (swim) well.

3) Steve and John (play) chess every Sunday.

4) Where is Tim? - He is (make) a snowman right now.

5) He isn`t watching TV now. He is (do) his homework.

6) We are (look) for the T-shirt.

7) He (go) to school in the morning.

8) Does your mother (work) in the hospital?

9) My friend doesn`t (live) next to the school.

10) They are (watch) a film at this moment.

11) My little sister (play) the guitar every Monday.

12) We often (go) to the cinema at the weekend.

13) My father is (repair) a car now.

14) My friends usually (play) hockey in winter.

15) I don`t (like) fish.

16) They aren`t in the shop. They are (walk) in the park right now.

17) She always (clean) the room every Saturday.

18) I (wear) a raincoat. It is looks like rain now.

19) John usually (play) computer games every Friday.

20) My mother (cook) a sweet cake every Sunday.

21) What is your father doing now? He is (wait) a postman.


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