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Полянская Оксана Николаевна13474
Работаю в школе г. Донецка с 2002 года. Являюсь классным руководителем 6 класса.
Россия, Донецкая Народная Респ.

Английский язык, 6 класс,

Английский язык. 6 класс:учеб. Для общеобразоват. учреждений/Ю.Е.Ваулина, Дж. Дули,О.Е.Подоляко, В. Эванс.-2-е изд.- М.: Просвещение,2008.-136с

Тема: Now and then (Module 7)


1. Напиши антонимы к словам:

1 clean-

2 polluted-

3 quiet-

4 beautiful-

5 different-

2. Восстанови последовательность событий, происходящих в Mineral Park:

a- People still visit Mineral Park.

b- Lots of the people from Mineral Park worked in the mines.

c- In 1871, 700 people lived in Mineral Park.

d- People travelled by train and on horses.

e- By 1912 the town was nearly empty.

f- Many families moved to other towns and the shops closed down.

3. Выбери правильный вариант глаголов:

1 I water/watered the flowers yesterday.

2 Children keeped/kept a lot of toys.

3 He helps/helped his friends last month.

4 Ann did/ doed her homework yesterday.

5 You played/plays football last year.

6 They worked/ work at the factories.

4. Напиши глаголы в Past Simple:

Jump, open, help, work, cook, begin, do, clean, become, buy, read, watch, cut, get, visit, listen

5. Заполни таблицу, используя глаголы из упр.4

Правильные глаголы

Неправильные глаголы

6. Вставь пропущенные буквы:

1 st _ es _ ed

2 _ ise_ _bl _

3 b _ _ ed

4 e _c _ t _ d

5 wo _ _ ie _

7. Напиши 5 предложений, как ты себя вчера чувствовал

e.g. I felt……..yesterday

8. Соедини слова по смыслу:

1 go a on earth

2 Halloween b a look

3 have c night

4 at the bottom d trick-or-treating

5 what e of the stairs

9. Выбери правильный ответ:

1 Mickey Mouse is the most famous

A cartoon character B department store C American writer

2 Mickey Mouse was created by

A Joe Shuster B Superman C Walt Disney

3 Walt Disney was born in

A New Zealand B the USA C Russia

4 In August 1923 Walt left for

A Hollywood B Bollywood C Kansas

5 The famous Disney Brothers studio was started in Walt`s uncle`s

A living room B garden C garage

10. Выбери правильный вариант ответа:

1 Is Superman one of the most favourite superheroes?

A No, he isn`t B Yes, he is

2 Was Superman born in 1933?

A Yes, he was B No, he wasn`t

3 Did his real `parents` make a superhero to live a life of fantasy through him?

A No, they didn`t B Yes, they did

4 Did Superman come from dying planet Krypton?

A Yes, he did B No, he didn`t

5 Is Superman a symbol of the American dream?

A Yes, he is B No, he isn`t

11. Соедини фразы по смыслу:

1 Is this the lost property office? a You`re welcome!

2 What was in it? b It`s brown

3 Thank you very much! c I left it on the train

4 What colour is it? d Some clothes and my camera

5 Where did you live it? e Yes. What can I do for you?

12. Прочитай утверждения к тесту «Toying with the past» и напиши: Правда – R (right) или Неправда – F (false):

1 In Victorian times, building bricks with letters of the alphabet on them were very common.

2 Toys didn`t help children learn while playing.

3 Girls never played with teddy bears.

4 Children from poor families played mostly on the streets.

5 Toys had a special place in children`s hearts.

13.Соедини вопросы с ответами:

1 When was Alexander Pushkin born?

2 When did Alexander Pushkin die?

3 What was Pushkin famous for?

4 Where was Pushkin from?

a Russia c He was a famous writer

b in 1799 d When he was only 37

14. Заполни пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами в Past Simple:

look, find, be, love, have

1 There…a school, lots of shops, a post office, saloons, a doctor`s, a hotel, a restaurant.

2 The house…empty.

3 He… only $ 40 with him.

4 A couple of farmers… the boy.

5 Both boys and girls… their rocking horses and teddy bears.

15. Заполни пропуски словами was, wasn`t, were, weren`t

1 I… happy yesterday. It was my birthday.

2 They …in France. They were in Canada.

3 …she at school last week? – No, she…

4 My parents …tired. They worked a lot.

Ответы: 1. 1-dirty, 2-clean, 3-noisy, 4-ugly, 5-similar

2. a-6, b-2, c-1, d-3, e-5, f-4

3. 1-watered, 2-kept, 3-helped, 4-did, 5-played,6-worked

4. jumped, opened, helped, worked, cooked, began, did, cleaned, became, bought, read, watched, cut, got, visited, listened


Правильные глаголы

Неправильные глаголы

















6. 1-stressed, 2- miserable, 3- bored, 4- excited, 5- worried

8. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4- e, 5- a

9. 1-A, 2-C, 3- B, 4-A, 5-C

10. 1-B, 2-A, 3-B, 4-A, 5-A

11. 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c

12. 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-T

13. 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a

14. 1- was, 2-looked, 3-had, 4-found, 5-loved

15. 1-was, 2- weren`t, 3-was,wasn`t, 4-were

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