12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

Mid Test, 7 class

I. Choose the odd word out.

ordinary, typical, incredible, usual

spiky, wavy, middle aged, curly

plump, slim, freckles, well-build

scared, shocked, frightened,relieved

intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

magazine, tablet, newspaper, book

speakers, keyboard, headphones, equipment

II. Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch) TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4. I think, he …. (call) you.

5.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

6. This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

7. Look! He ….. (jump)!

8. My friends ……….. (meet) at the cinema, do you want to join?

III. Choose the right word

1 This is the skate park which \where I skate regularly.

2 That`s the girl who\ whose mum works in a bank.

3 2003 was the year when\ which they visited Canada.

IV. Complete the sentences using (2 words are extra) on, with, of , for, up after, back, away,

John gave……boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.

That blouse goes really well……your skirt.

I’m looking …….. Sam. Have you seen him?

4. Go…… I’m listening to you.

5..She looks ……… her mother when she is ill.

6..I gave Sandra her toy ……… .

V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles.

b) She likes pizza.

c) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly.

b) You should look after your wallet.

c) Order in other shop.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing!

b) Sure.

c) Why not?

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home?

b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places.

b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system?

c) That’s awful.

VI Put the words in the right order.

(1Japanese / 2green /3 fantastic) car

(1American / 2sentimental / 3long) song

(1old / 2big / 3black) piano

VII Choose the right word.

Olga’s new idea was absolutely (fascinated / fascinating).

Mum! It’s so (embarrassing/embarrassed) when you show my baby photos to people.

That film was very (depressing/depressed)!

The trip was (exhausting / exhausted)!

The little boy was (frightening/frightened) when he saw a spider.

VIII Listening

Bill doesn't know how to start studying.

Bill's mum thinks that music helps people study.

Bill puts the dog outside.

Bill's mum recommends having a sandwich on the desk.

Bill doesn't want to turn off his phone at first.

Bill needs the internet to study.

Bill's going to turn off his messages.

Bill thinks his mum has helped him.


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