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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115

Test 6

Variant 1

1. Listen and write the type of holiday each speaker prefers. There is one sentence which you don’t need to use. (5 points)

https://english- practice.net/english-listening-exercises-for-a1-holidays /

A. a holiday by the seaside

B. a city break

C. a sightseeing excursion

D. a skiing holiday

E. an activity holiday

F. a camping holiday

G. a cruise

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

2. Fill in the gaps. (5 points)

camel riding/ meet the locals/ sledding/ wagon travel/ rich culture

1. I tried ______ on the snowy hill for the first time.

2. I can't wait to _____ and learn about their customs and traditions.

3. The ______ in this country is so fascinating to explore.

4. Going _____ in a desert was a unique and exciting adventure.

5. The ______ through the countryside was a fantastic experience.

3. Match the halves. (5 points)

1. I enjoyed going

a) helped me discover the local traditions.

2. Going on a guided tour

b) on the beach all day and relax in the sun.

3. I could lie

c) to yourself to reflect on the experience.

4. I need to practice

d) the language more while I'm here.

5. It’s nice to have time

e) on a nature hike through the forest.

4. a) Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps. (8 points)

Emma: Oh no, I feel terrible.

Liam: What's wrong?

Emma: 1) __________. My stomach is killing me.

Liam: Oh, that's horrible. Did you take anything for it?

Emma: 2) _________.

Liam: Maybe you should just lie down for a bit and relax. Do you want some water?

Emma: 3) __________. This is not how I wanted to start my vacation.

Liam: Don't worry, we'll get you feeling better soon.

Emma: I hope so. Speaking of which, do you remember where our hotel is? Because I think I've lost the way already.

Liam: Oh, it's just a few blocks up from the beach. We can ask someone for directions if you're still feeling sick.

Emma: Thanks, Liam. You're always so helpful.

Liam: That's what friends are for.  Hey, make sure to put some sunscreen on, especially after being on the boat all morning. The last thing we need is for you to get sunstroke on top of everything else.

Emma: 4) __________.This holiday hasn't exactly started off as planned, but at least I have you here with me.

Liam: And don't worry, we'll make the best of it. 5) _________.

a) Will do. Thanks for looking out for me, Liam

b) Yeah, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

c) Now, let's go find our hotel.

d) I think I got seasick on the boat ride over here.

e) No, thanks. Water makes me feel even worse.

b) Name 3 problems mentioned in the dialogue.

5. a) Rewrite in reported speech. (8 points)

1. I don’t like chocolate.


2. I am planning to go to Kenya.


3. The match will take place next week.


4. Don’t stay outside after the bell comes.

She …

5. Warm up your dinner.


6. My brother got up early this morning._


7. Why is she working so late?


8. Do you sometimes have headaches?


*b) Translate these sentences from English into Russian.

Test 6

Variant 2

1. Listen and write the type of holiday each speaker prefers. (5 points)

A. a city break

B. a holiday by the seaside

C. a skiing holiday

D. a cruise

E. a camping holiday

F. a cable car tour

G. an activity holiday

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

2. Fill in the gaps. (5 points)

experience/ nomad/ unique opportunities/ native people/ wildlife

1. The _____ here have such interesting traditions.

2. This trip is a(n) ______ of a lifetime that I will never forget.

3. During my nature hike, I saw some ______ in the forest.

4. Our guide explained the ______’s strange lifestyle to us.

5. This life gives _______ immerse ourselves in a different culture.

3. Match the halves. (5 points)

1. Standing on top of the mountain

a) to learn more about the local history.

2. I plan to visit museum

b) the famous landmarks in person.

3. I want to buy souvenirs

c) is my favourite part of these cultural exchanges.

4. Exploring nature

d) offered majestic views.

5. I can't wait to see

e) to remember this cultural exchange.

4. a) Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps. (8 points)

Emily: Our holiday starts now! I can't wait to get on the plane and relax. This beach break is much needed.

Sophie: Me too! 1) _______.

Emily: Oh no, what happened?

Sophie: There was an accident on the road which made us late for our flight. We had to book another one. It was a nightmare. But this time, nothing will stop us!

Emily: Let's hope so. The weather can be unpredictable at this time of year. Hopefully, we won't have any problems with that.

Sophie: Let's not tempt fate. Everything will be fine. 2) ________.

Emily: Did you hear about Lily and Tom having their wallets stolen in Spain last month?

Sophie: 3) ________. Did they lose everything?

Emily: Yes, all their cards, IDs, money...everything. Luckily , they had travel insurance so they got some back.

Sophie: 4) ________. Don’t want any bad surprises ruining our holiday.

Emily: Agreed. And let's always have copies of our important documents stored separately just in case.

Sophie: Good plan. Enough talk about possible disasters. It's holiday time!

5) ________.

a) I’ll make sure to keep an eye on my things.

b) The weather forecast looks good, let's focus on enjoying our holiday.

c) Let’s enjoy every moment.

d) I hope we don't miss the flight again like last time...

e) What? That's awful!

b) Name 3 problems mentioned in the dialogue.

5. a) Rewrite in reported speech. (8 points)

1. What are you doing now?


2. Clean your room.


3. Do you usually go to bed late?


4. The kids played tennis in the yard.


5. I can't read these books. I don’t like them.


6. Sandy won’t be able to come.


7. Don’t waste time at the lesson.


8. The Ivanovs have travelled to many places.


*b) Translate these sentences from English into Russian.

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