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Арбекова Марина Юрьевна2965
Принимаю активное участие в работе МО учителей иностранного языка школы.Систематически провожу внеклассную и воспитательную работу по повышению интереса к английскому языку. Работаю над повышением своего профессионального уровня.
Россия, Кемеровская обл., Белово

Мероприятие, посвященное празднованию Дня семьи, любви и верности – дня святых Петра и Февроньи


Мероприятие, посвященное празднованию Дня семьи, любви и верности

дня святых Петра и Февроньи.

Цели: формирование умения и навыков устной речи; развитие лексических навыков говорения; знакомство с историей и традициями праздника и православных Дня семьи – день святых Петра и Февроньи; развитие умения отделять то, что я знаю, от того, чего не знаю; умения самостоятельно добывать знания в процессе обучения; умения анализировать; воспитание патриотизма и любви к родной культуре.

T: С детства мы все слышим: «Жили они долго и счастливо и умерли в один день». Эта фраза взята из известной повести, которая изучается еще в начальных классах школы. В основу произведения были положены устные муромские предания. Нам всем очень известен праздник - День святого Валентина, мы знаем хорошо его историю и отмечаем. Но в нашей русской родной культуре тоже есть подобный праздник! День семьи, верности, любви, который отмечается 8 июля (славянский день влюбленных), хотя знают о нем немногие люди. Вот давайте познакомимся и сравним историю этого праздника и его традицию, ведь это часть нашей культуры

Т: Dear boys and girls. I am happy and glad to begin our lesson devoted to lovely

Russian holiday The day of family, love and fidelity , The Russian saints Pyotr and Fevroniya

Официально, праздник День влюбленных, в православии носит название – День семьи, любви и верности, Да, в России есть свой праздник, который все влюбленные могут с полным правом считать своим днем - Днем влюбленных. В нашей стране официально этот праздник называется The day of family, love and fidelity or Family day – the day of saints Peter and Fevronia.

1. Warming-up

T: Listen to the statements carefully and try to give a short answer.

1. A flower which helps to find an answer to the question: Does he love or not? (chamomile).

2. Before a date/rendezvous you should look into the (mirror).

3. Reliable camouflage for the woman (cosmetics)

4. Cupid’s sharpness (an arrow).

5. The place of residence of the sweethearts (Paradise).

6. The opponent in love is (adversary).

7. Sweethearts do not love (boredom).

8. It helps us to live and love (a song).

9. The main character of love story by Shakespeare is (Romeo).

10. The season of sweethearts (spring).

11. The queen of flowers is (rose).

12. The most romantic feeling is (love).

2. Look at this pictures. Do you know these saints?


T: Let’s compare the traditions of Gr. Britain & our country. There is the same tradition of marriage and love in Russia. Now read the information about them and get ready to choоse the correct variant. But beforе reading try to translate these words or phrases.

Kievan Rus -, marriage -, The Tale of Peter and Fevronia -, the properties of herbs and could cure ailments -, he was defeated by the disease -, nobles -, boyars -, peasant -, unrest -, throne -, monasteries and asked God -, the spouses were buried together in the city of Murom -, the embodiment of the unquenchable love and loyalty -, Orthodox Church - 

3. History

The Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia since the days of Kievan Rus and until 1917, was broadly celebrated in Russia because it was believed that the saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of marriage and family, as well as the symbols of love and fidelity. On this day it was common to go to church, where the people asked for love and family grace.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom (which literary treatment relates to the period of the mid-16th century), Duke Peter was the second son of Duke Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom. He ascended the throne in 1203. A few years before Peter’s principality he became seriously ill that no one could cure him. One day the duke had a dream that he can be healed by the girl Fevronia.

Fevronia (Greek Φεβρωνία) was beautiful, pious and good, plus she was a wise woman, she knew the properties of herbs and could cure ailments. The prince fell in love with Fevronia and vowed to marry her after the healing. The girl cured the duke but he did not keep his word. Then again he was defeated by the disease and Fevronia cured him once again. And this time the duke married the girl.

After the death of his brother Peter inherited the throne. The nobles (or boyars) respected his duke, but the haughty the nobles’ wives disliked Fevronia, not wanting to be ruled by the peasant. The nobles demanded that the duke had left her. Peter, after he heard of the intentions of separating him from the beloved wife, chose to voluntarily relinquish the power and wealth and go with her in exile. So Peter and Fevronia left Murom.

Soon the unrest began in Murom, nobles were quarreling, fighting for the throne. Then they came around, gathered a council and invited the duke and his wife back. The duke and duchess returned and Fevronia managed to earn the love of the urban counterparts. They ruled after that long and happily.

In his declining years, Peter and Fevronia took the vows in various monasteries and asked God to die in one day. They bequeathed to bury them in a specially prepared coffin with a thin partition in the middle.

Peter and Fevronia died each in his cell in a one day and hour – on 8 July 1228. But people have recognized the wicked to bury the monks in one coffin and have broken the will of the dead: their bodies were placed in the different realms. However, the very next day they were found together. Twice their bodies were carried out to the different churches, but twice they miraculously were found side by side. And the spouses were buried together in the city of Murom at the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

Since that time the history of the spouses of Peter and Fevronia is the embodiment of the unquenchable love and loyalty and every year on 8 July the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia.


4. Choose the correct variant:

1. The Russian saints Pyotr and Fevroniya lived in

a. the 11th century BC b. the 11th century AD c.the 12th century

2. Pyotr wanted to find Fevroniya because

a.she was clever and beautiful b.he was ill c.he wanted to marry her

3. What did boyars ask Pyotr to do?

a. to marry Fevroniya b. to leave the throne c. to get out of Murom

4. Why did the people from Murom ask Pyotr to return?

a.the time of troubles began in Murom b. they missed Pyotr c.they missed Fevroniya

5. They died together

a. on the 18th of June, 1228 b. on the 8th of July, 1218 c. on the 8th of July, 1228

6. Nowadays Pyotr and Fevroniya are considered to be

a.the saints and the example of Christian marriage b. the most successful rulers ever

c.the most romantic people in the Russian history

5. Answer the questions:

Why St Valentine’s Day is more popular in Russia than St Pyotr and Fevroniya’s Day?

I think that St Valentine's Day is more popular in Russia than St Pyotr and Fevroniya’s

Day because St Pyotr and Fevroniya’s Day is too religious and serious for all the Russians. And you?

6. Read some phrases and try to express your ideas.



According to a recent opinion poll, St. Valentine's Day has become popular among Russians, yet this holiday has more opponents than supporters. Some Russians said's “our culture does not benefit from foreign holidays” or "it is a commercial holiday: not for people but for merchants".

According to sociological data, the demand for flowers, souvenirs and perfume in Russia grows by almost 15% ahead of All Lovers’ Day. At the same time, statistics shows that the number of those who mark All Lovers’ Day becomes smaller every year. This may be explained by the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church introduced its own lovers’ day in 2008.


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