12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Грунина Марина Евгеньевна1343
Люблю читать книги, рисовать и путешествовать!!
Россия, Мурманская обл., Мурманск

Закончите предложения:

London is the capital of……

London stands on the river…..

In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands a column of…

The most famous clock in London is…..

The Queen is…….

The Queen lives in….

The bus in London are called….

Выберите верный вариант

The guard in The Tower is called




The bridge near the Houses of Parliament is…



Houses of Parliament

The husband of the Queen is

Prince Charles

The Duke of Edinburgh

Prince William

Westminster Abbey is

political centre

a prison

a church

Imperial State Crown is in

The Houses of Parliament

The Tower

Westminster Abbey

All English kings have been crowned and buried in the

a) The Houses of Parliament

b) The Tower

c) Westminster Abbey

7. Elizabeth II has

a) 2 children

b) 3 children

c) 4 children

Перечислите известные вам знаменитые часы и где они находятся

Закончите предложения:

London is the capital of……

London stands on the river…..

In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands a column of…

The most famous clock in London is…..

The Queen is…….

The Queen lives in….

The bus in London are called….

Выберите верный вариант

The guard in The Tower is called




The bridge near the Houses of Parliament is…



Houses of Parliament

The husband of the Queen is

Prince Charles

The Duke of Edinburgh

Prince William

Westminster Abbey is

political centre

a prison

a church

Imperial State Crown is in

The Houses of Parliament

The Tower

Westminster Abbey

All English kings have been crowned and buried in the

a) The Houses of Parliament

b) The Tower

c) Westminster Abbey

7. Elizabeth II has

a) 2 children

b) 3 children

c) 4 children

Перечислите известные вам знаменитые часы и где они находятся

Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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