12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Калугина Ольга Владимировна27


1. Make up the sentence from the following words.


_______the army

_______ and

_______has left


______to wear

______a uniform

_______any more


2. Choose the correct statements.

1). The past of CAN is MIGHT.

2). Modal verbs take auxiliary verbs in questions.

3). The future of CAN is WILL BE ABLE TO

4). Modal verbs are followed by "no" in negations.

5). Modal verbs are always followed with the infinitive without "to".

3. Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. Use must, don’t have to, might, should, must have, mustn’t, can’t have and shouldn’t.

1). He's not here. He _____________________ gone out.

2). She didn't study enough. She _____________________ passed her exam.

3). You ____________________ eat more vegetables. They're good for you.

4). You ____________________ be 18 before you can buy alcohol.

4. Put the letters in the right order and you'll get one of the meanings that usually modal verbs express.

YSOPITILSIB-> __________________________________________

5. Choose the correct prefix to make negative forms of the adjectives.

1). My friend is very  __responsible, he never does anything in time.

a) dis-; b) ir-; c) in-; d) un- .

2) .He’s very __patient. He can’t work as a teacher.

a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-;    d) un- .

3). He’s an __forgiving person. He never forgives people.

a) dis-; b) ir-; c) in-;    d) un- .

4). It is __ polite to point at people.

a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un- .

6. Make negative adjectives with suffices

Not safe —

Not tidy—

Not capable----

Not regular —

Not real —

Not expensive —

Not happy —

7. Fill in the gap using phrasal verb RUN.

1). Let’s run ____ that dance sequence just one more time.

2). Sharon thought David was out of town, but she ran ____ him at the cinema.

3). He almost ran ____ a cat yesterday when it jumped in front of his car.

4). The book is about a young boy who runs ____ from home.

5). We’ve run ____ sugar – I’ll go and buy some.

6). He has almost run ____ the neighbour’s cat!

7). I hope we won’t run ____ petrol before we get home!

8). I ran ____ Eddie in the supermarket yesterday.

8. Make 4 sentences with different modal words.


1. Make up the sentence from the following words.


_____ must


_____ fasten

_____seat belt

____ and


______taking off


2. Choose the correct statements.

1) Modal verbs are always followed with the infinitive with "to".

2) Modal verbs take auxiliary verbs in questions.

3) Modal verbs are followed by "not" in negations.

4) The past of CAN is COULD.

5) Normally modal verbs don't have past, future or perfect forms.

3. Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. Use must, don’t have to, might, should, must have, mustn’t, can’t have and shouldn’t.

You ____________________ drive on the pavement. It's illegal.

You ____________________ say that. It's not nice.

I ______________________ go to work tomorrow because it's a public holiday.

I ______________________ buy this CD, but I'm not sure.

4. Put the letters in the right order and you'll get one of the meanings that usually modal verbs express.

TEUSREQ -> __________________________________________

5. Choose the correct prefix to make negative forms of the adjectives.

1) He was short and overweight and generally fairly __attractive. 

a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un- .

2) He’s a good teacher, but tends to be a bit __patient with slow learners.

a) un-; b) in-; c) im-; d) dis- .

3) It is an __logical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.

a) dis-; b) il-; c) in-; d) un- .

4) It is __ polite to point at people.

a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un- .

6. Make negative adjectives with suffices

Not possible —

Not usual—

Not comfortable —

Not direct —

Not interesting —

Not patient —

Not convenient —

7. Fill in the gap using the phrasal verb RUN.

We ran  him in the street yesterday.

There was an accident here. The car ran … a cyclist.

These cars don't run … gasoline.

When he was 17, he ran … home.

The cost of Van Gogh's paintings can run … several million dollars .

We ran … fuel and we had to look for a gas station nearby.

Children are running … dogs.

 Guess what? I ran ____ Ivan at the library today.

8. Make 4 sentences with different modal words.


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