12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Алексеева Наталия Викторовна15

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. Ann said, “I like my cat.”

2. Jane said, “Don’t come late, Tom.”

3. Sam said, “Give me some cake.”

4. Mum said, “Did you visit Rome?”

5. Bob said, “Were you here, Ann?”

6. I said to Nick, “Where are you going?”

7. He said, “Are you staying in this hotel?”

8. Tom said, “Are you from Britain, Nick?”

9. Dad said, “I’ll buy it tomorrow.”

10. Ted said, “I can join you.”

11. They said, “How old are you, Jane?”

12. Dad said, “Buy some lemons, Tom.”

13. Max said, “I enjoy music.”

14. Ann said, “Did they come?”

15. They said, “What does Tom eat?”

16. Jane said, “Are you at home now?”

17. Mum said, “Don’t swim here, Sam.”

18. Ben said, “Have you got a pet?”

19. Mum said, “Are you listening to me?”

20. Tim said, “Does she live in Britain?”

21. Children said, “Can you help us?”


1. Ann said she liked her cat.

2. Jane said to Tom not to come late.

3. Sam asked to give him some cake.

4. Mum wanted to know if I had visited Rome.

5. Bob wondered if Ann had been there.

6. I asked Nick where he was going.

7. He asked if I was staying in that hotel.

8. Tom wanted to know if Nick was from Britain.

9. Dad explained that he would buy it the next day.

10. Ted told that he could join me.

11. They asked Jane how old she was.

12. Dad said to Tom to buy some lemons.

13. Max told he enjoyed music.

14. Ann wondered if they had come.

15. They wanted to know what Tom ate.

16. Jane asked me if I was at home then.

17. Mum told Sam not to swim there.

18. Ben asked if I had a pet.

19. Mum asked me if I was listening to her.

20. Tim wondered if she lived in Britain.

21. Children wondered if I could help them.


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