12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Завьялова Светлана Юрьевна145
Работаю учителем английского и немецкого языков. Стаж -30 лет. Первая квалификационная категория. Люблю свою работу.
Россия, Тамбовская обл., Жердевка

Тест по теме «Экология» Английский язык 10 класс Модуль 4

Учебник О. Афанасьева, И. Михеева « Английский в фокусе»

Choose the correct variant.

The smoky clouds…in the west and the red sun went down behind them.

  1. hanged low

    hung low

    hang low

    hang lonely

It looks like we …for treating nature so carelessly.

  1. are been punished

    have being punished

    are being punished

    aren’t afraid of been punished

Hot weather and smog makes me … .

  1. to feel uncomfortable

    feel uncomfortably

    feel uncomfortable

    feeling uncomfortable

He … me not to go against the rules of nature.

  1. advised

    was adviced


    was advised

Our planet is in grave danger … human activity.

  1. because

    the reason why


    as a result of

I … see more organizations coming together to put on and to the threat of nuclear war.

  1. will like to

    would like to

    like to

    would have liked to

Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist of all ages, lived in a period when the toxic effects of chemicals … less understood.

  1. have been

    had been


    were not

And now I’d like to give the floor to Dr. Green, … is going to talk about “Environmental Protection”.

  1. that




Of all the environmental problems facing our planet today the most … is global warming, better known as the greenhouse effect.

  1. pressed




Greenpeace exists to defend the environment wherever it … .

  1. is threatened


    is threatening



b, c, c, a, d, b, c, b, c, a

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