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Панченко Лариса Сергеевна1289
Высшее педагогическое образование. Преподаватель английского языка. Место работы БПОУ ОО "Муромцевский техникум механизации сельского хозяйства"
Россия, Омская обл., Муромцево
Материал размещён в группе «ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИ СПО, ОБЪЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ! »

Доклад по теме «Особенности перевода профессионально – ориентированных текстов». Текст профессиональной направленности «Памятники, исторические здания и сооружения. Винокуренный завод, с. Петропавловка.Специальность:43.02.10 Туризм. Дильман Елена

Доклад по теме «Особенности перевода профессионально – ориентированных текстов». Текст профессиональной направленности «Памятники, исторические здания и сооружения. Винокуренный завод, с. Петропавловка.Специальность:43.02.10 Туризм. Дильман Елена

Тема: Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.

Monuments, historical buildings and structures.

Distillery, Petropavlovsk village

The distillery, located in the village of Petropavlovsk, 5 km from Muromtsevo, is a rare example of industrial architecture for the Omsk region, characterized by a picturesque three-dimensional composition. The building is made of brick with elements of eclecticism in the architectural solution. It is a two-storey brick structure in the main parts, with two high towers at different levels, which is currently heavily destroyed. The plan has a complex configuration, the volume is represented by several rectangles. The architectural appearance of the main (western) facade is asymmetrical. From the northwest there is a two-story rectangular volume with six window openings on each floor, located at the same distance from each other. The surface of the wall is divided by smooth blades with brick decor in the upper part into three strands. The surface of the wall is divided by smooth blades with brick decor in the upper part into three strands. Adjacent to this part of the building is a narrow but higher two-storey volume with arched doorways on the first and window openings on the second floors. Then follows the wall of the third floor, turning into a triangular gable. Its center is highlighted by a window in the central part. The parapet runs over the cornice, above there is a dormer window. The gable has parapet columns at the edges. On the ground floor there are two large arched window openings, differing from each other only in height. The platbands act as relief masonry and are highlighted in white. In 1857, on the initiative of merchant Mikhail Korchemkin, wooden buildings of a distillery were built on the picturesque bank of a small river Shaitanki. The time of its laying coincided with the day of Peter and Paul, hence the name – Peter and Paul Plant. Later, this name was fixed for the village. At the end of the 1880s, M. Korchemkin transferred the plant as a dowry to his daughter. Son-in-law, State Councilor N.I. Davydovsky, a well-known breeder of Tyumen and Yalutorovsk, reconstructed and rebuilt dilapidated buildings. A new brick factory building, malt houses, wine warehouses and other industrial and residential buildings grew up next to the wooden factory during 1894-1895. The new plant was equipped with more modern equipment purchased abroad. At the beginning of the twentieth century . The alcohol production plant in Western Siberia was second only to Zavodoukovsky. During 1900-1919, the company changed hands: first inherited by Davydovsky's daughter, and then it was sold to Ural industrialists. The plant produced its products until 1921. Since 1936, he switched to the production of starch and molasses. In 1971, as a result of an accident, the plant burned down. Registered by the decision of the regional executive committee No. 20 of 22.01.1991, Resolution No. 176-p of 19.04.1994. Currently, the plant is in a dilapidated state: the floors, part of the window openings, as well as completely internal interiors have been lost. The internal walls were partially destroyed. Currently, the Distillery's glade attracts residents of the district and its guests as a venue for folk festivals, festivals of ethnocultures, craft exhibitions. Every year on July 12, Petropavlovsk Village Day is held here.

The objects of cultural heritage – monuments of history and culture on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district include: the mansion of the merchant Yarovaya (the district agency of the company "Om"), the mansion of the merchant O.G. Potseluyeva, the mansion of the merchant Artemov (the editorial office of the newspaper "Banner of Labor"), the mansion of the merchant Shiryaev (Muromtsevsky Museum of Local Lore), the profitable house of the merchants Obukhov (Obukhovsky store).

Автор материала: Е. Дильман (3 курс)

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