12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Полянская Ирина Николаевна294
Россия, Москва, Москва

МПЭК РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Аврамова Дана БД-36

Cash collection

Collection is an integral part of the current cash circulation system. In a narrower sense, it is an orderly transfer of valuable assets by enterprises for preservation in a banking institution with the help of a special security structure.
Valuable assets include: 

* cash, revenue in excess of the established residual limit for subsequent crediting to the company's current accounts.

* currency values, securities,

* financial, payment and commercial documents.

Not every delivery of valuables to the bank can be called collection – only if this operation is performed by a special structural unit – the collection service, on a contractual and paid basis, with full financial responsibility. This activity can be carried out by a separate division of the bank as a banking service or an external security company that has a separate license from the Central Bank for this type of activity.

The bank can collect cash from its customers independently, with the help of a specially created internal service. Also, the bank may involve third parties, for example, specialized collection organizations, to carry out collection, as well as use the collection services of other banks on a contractual basis.
Conclusion: if a company is serviced in a certain banking institution, it should use only the services of the collector that the servicing bank offers it. You can choose a third-party collector at your discretion only if you plan to transport valuable cargo somewhere else, except for the servicing bank.
The collection operation for the delivery of proceeds takes place in several stages:
1) preparation of funds for collection (delivery); 2) registration of accompanying documents by the collector, exchange of banknotes for larger ones or their exchange, if necessary;
3) delivery to the collecting authority; 4) transportation of the accepted cargo in an armored car accompanied by armed guards. If the bank working day is over, the package is sent for temporary storage to the collector's office; 5) reception at a credit institution, 6) recalculation of the deposited money in the bank, checking their authenticity and integrity, 7) crediting (reflection) to the appropriate bank account.

The advantages of collection are obvious: you do not take risks and almost do not get distracted from work.

* Security. Armed men guard your cash and ensure that the money gets into the account. You enter into a liability contract with them and do not worry about your funds. If you take the proceeds to the bank yourself, then you are responsible for it yourself. And you don't have a machine gun and an armored car. 

* No downtime. With cash collectors, you will not have to waste time on money delivery and a queue at the bank. If you or the cashier are engaged in this task, the business suffers: in such intervals you do not earn. 

* The rate of crediting to the account. When collecting money, it arrives to the settlement account faster than with the classical transfer to the operator, your turnover does not fall. 

The minus is also simple — bureaucracy. To periodically call a car for money, you will have to collect documents and sign a contract with a bank or a licensed company. Then fill out a stack of documents each time and pack the money in a bag.

How to prepare for collection?

You can't just call the bank and say, "Come get my money." It will take a long time to prepare for the first collection: draw up a contract, show the room for the transfer of money, approve the schedule and cost of the service. Preparation may take several weeks.

Make sure that you have the conditions for collection. You need free access to the premises and the opportunity to park next to the entrance. You will also need a room in which only you and the collectors will be able to lock themselves with a key during the transfer of money.

Leave a preliminary application for the execution of the contract through the form on the bank's website or the collection service. If you can't do it on the website, call.

Agree on the cost of maintenance. The rates can be found on the website or found out in a conversation with the manager. Below we will tell you what the cost of the service consists of. 

Before signing, study each clause of the contract and specify the details: how long the collectors can stay in your store, what will happen if there are errors in the documents, who buys bags for packing money.

Sign the contract. If you order a service from a bank that maintains your current account, the contract will be bilateral. If the collection service has a three—way (you, your bank and the service). 

Agree on the departure schedule if the collection is carried out according to the schedule, or arrange for departures by prior call. Usually the second option is more convenient for small businesses.

The bank will issue instructions for the cashier on collection, teach you how to prepare banknotes for transfer and fill out papers in the office or store.

Автор материала: Д. Аврамова МПЭК (3 курс)

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