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Белова Cветлана Анатольевна384
Россия, Новосибирская обл., Новосибирск

Our home city Novosibirsk is an economic, scientific and cultural capital of Siberia. It is 118 years old.

Here are the most interesting facts and events from the history of Novosibirsk:

- Novosibirsk is the 3d densely populated city in Russia (after Moscow and St. Petersburg). Its population is about 1,7 million people.

- Novosibirsk is an unofficial Siberian capital patronizing the territory of 5 000 000 square km. It’s 30% of the country’s territory.

- It took Moscow 700 years to reach the mark “1 million people” (New York – 250, Tokyo - 400), Novosibirsk has reached it in a period of 70 years!

- Novosibirsk is situated on the Ob which is the longest river in the Asian part. It’s so beautiful in summer.

-In the early XX century the city was divided into 2 time zones. The people on the left bank got up 1 hour earlier than their neighbours on the right bank.

- The Novosibirsk metro bridge over the Ob is the longest in the world.

- Novosibirsk has one of the largest railway stations in Russia. Its building was designed in the form of a railway carriage.

- The Novosibirsk Opera House is the largest theatre in Russia. It showed its first opera on 9 May, 1945.

- Akademgorodok, the town of scientists, was built in 1957 in the park zone not far from Novosibirsk. Scientists make different important research there.

- There’s a unique street in one of the districts. Planirovochnaya street is parallel and perpendicular to itself and it forms 2 crossings with itself!!!

Visit us and you’ll see everything with your own eyes.


Авторы материала: Т. Киселёва (6 класс), А. Каримов (6 класс), Д. Агеева (6 класс), А. Зайцев (6 класс), А. Неверов (6 класс)
Опубликовано в группе «ФГОС планирование по английскому языку»

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