12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Полянская Ирина Николаевна294
Россия, Москва, Москва

One famous song said: “Girls are different: black, white, red.” Indeed, not only girls, but all people on the planet are different from each other in some way, from eye color to profession or status in society.

Modern society is a society that, due to its complexity and diversity, has different characteristics and interpretations. The concepts that define it try to capture a certain immanent essence, consolidating in one term the most important of the features reflecting it.

What this generation brings into the world depends on what knowledge, values and moral principles are raised and instilled from childhood. Will it improve it or not? What principles and laws will he live by? Young people will have to ensure not only the well-being of their children and parents, but also become responsible for three generations of people! Youth is a time when you want all problems to be solved quickly, obstacles to be overcome easily, and dreams to come true. This period must be used to its full potential. Young people must understand that their ideas, perhaps risky in some places, fantastic in others, but definitely advanced, will help their adult colleagues achieve improvements in the country.Today's youth are capable of modernizing their strengths themselves and directing them in the direction that is closer to their spirit. In the history of all times and peoples, youth has always played a key role.

I was born and live in Moscow. Capital of Russia. The biggest requests from young people are here. Some come for the best education, others for the opportunities of a big city. 

Young people are multifaceted and unique; they all have their own opinions on marriage, politics, education and family values. And every opinion has its place, it is important to be part of society. After all, youth today and tomorrow are the face of their country.

Автор материала: А. Стукалина (2 курс)

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