12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Сложность вопроса:

If a neural network (conclude) that pointed ears is not the most specific attribute of a cat, it (start) giving not 1, but 0.5 points for the answer “yes”.
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If a neural network will conclude that pointed ears is not the most specific attribute of a cat, it start giving not 1, but 0.5 points for the answer “yes”.
If a neural network will conclude that pointed ears is not the most specific attribute of a cat, it starts giving not 1, but 0.5 points for the answer “yes”.
If a neural network will conclude that pointed ears is not the most specific attribute of a cat, it will start giving not 1, but 0.5 points for the answer “yes”.
If a neural network concludes that pointed ears is not the most specific attribute of a cat, it will start giving not 1, but 0.5 points for the answer “yes”.