12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Россия, Свердловская обл., Артемовский

Progress Check

1. Translate: turtle, whale, rhino, owl, rattlesnake, market, cathedral, castle, gallery, amusement park, statue, mushroom, grapes, cereal, молочные продукты, белок, загон, испытание, изделие ручной работы, огромный, вкусный.

2. Write the capital or a country: Wales-..., ....- Belfast, ....- London, Scotland-...

3. Write adverb from adjective: good, bad, loud, safe, slow, quick

4. Complete the sentences with Present Continuous:

We... (not dance) at the moment.

They...(study) grammar.

I... (sit) in the classroom.

... you (work) now?

... he (study) English?

5. Write the preposition of place and translate

6. Complete the sentences with there is\isn t or there are\aren t

... a castle.

... interesting shops.


... an old church.

... a department store.

7. Complete the sentences with a\an, some\any

Is there... cola ?

There is... apple .

There isn t.... lemonade .

There are... biscuits .

Is there ... cake?

There aren t ... pizzas.


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