12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Москва

Проект по английскому языку «Влияние спорта на здоровье подростков»

The influence of sport on teenagers’ health

The problem: No interest in sport Too much time with gadgets

Actuality: Do not realize the harm of smoking correct nutrition the ways of keeping fit

I decided to study it is very important for me to be aware about the use of sport in my life. students who don’t do any sport get ill more often

Purposes: 1) to draw the attention of my friends to sport

Purposes: 2) to raise teenagers’ awareness about the correct nutrition and ways of keeping fit.

Tasks: To understand the advantages and disadvantages To study the survey To formulate conclusions and recommendations

Sport Disadvantages Advantages Fractures, dislocations and sprains The provision of necessary physical activity Chemicals are a part of the nutrition Against physical inactivity Psycho-emotional disorders Struggle with extra weight Less time in studying Improving of coordination Improving of gait Gaining self-confidence

The frequency of psycho-physiological conditions of adolescents (% of the number of students interviewed) Psychophysiological state The array Low mood 49 Severe fatigue at the end of the day 45 Irritability 31 Headache 30 Aggressiveness 17 Fast fatigability 16 Difficulties of concentration 15 Anxiety 13 Stomach ache 11 Restless sleep 9 Pain in heart 7 Exacerbation of chronic diseases 4

The frequency of psycho-physiological conditions of adolescents

Adolescents' perceptions of healthy lifestyle (%by column) Factors of a healthy lifestyle The array Athletics 78 Proper diet 73 The rejection of bad habits 67 Healthy sleep 52 Personal hygiene 47 Positive emotion 37 The adherence of the day 27 Disease prevention, hardening 14

Adolescents' perceptions of healthy lifestyle

Conclusions Sport is one of the highest paid occupations in the world Correction of the health Being fit and strong Advantages Disadvantages

Recommendations: Complex of physical exercises Sports in our region (Tagansky region) 16 ways to de–stress 9 ways to grow old and to stay young Standards for swimming, sports categories