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Голикова Татьяна Валентиновна3465
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Технологическая карта урока по теме «Книги. Любимые книги»

1   2   3   4 5   1. блестящий (превосходный) 2. источник 3. автор 4. хорошо осведомленный, информированный 5. захватывающий, восхитительный, пленительный

1 B R I L L I A N T   2 S O U R C E   3 A U T H O R   4 K N O W L E D G E A B L E 5 F A S C I N A T I N G  

1. Reading 2. Doing exercises 3. Speaking 4. Listening 5. Making up the dialogues

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Is knowledge important? Do you like reading books? Why is it important? Знание – сила!

Why do teenagers choose reading? What is a book for you?

the best present our soul our history our hobby the mirror of the past our treasure the source of information the way to get knowledge

What English and American writers do you know?

Jack London “The Call of the Wild” “White Fang” (клык) “Martin Eden”

Mark Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” “The Prince and the Pauper” “A Dog Tale”

“King Lear” “Romeo and Juliet” “Hamlet” William Shakespeare

Ernest Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea” “A Farewell To Arms” “For whom the Bell Tolls”

Arthur Conan Doyle “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” “The Black Doctor and Other Tales of Terror and Mystery”

Robert Louis Stevenson “The Treasure Island” «The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde»

“The Happy Prince and Other Tales” “The Picture of Dorian Grey” Oscar Wilde

“Oliver Twist” “David Copperfield” Charles Dickens

John Galsworthy

What books did he write, do you think? Have you ever heard of the name of John Galsworthy?

John Galsworthy. The popular British writer John Galsworthy was born in 1867. He attended a big school because his father wanted John to be a lawyer. So John went to Oxford University. But some time later he told his father about his wish to become a writer. His favourite writer was Turgenev and also he liked all books by Tolstoy. His literally career began at the age of 17 when he studied at Oxford University. His works made him one of the leading authors. John Galsworthy wrote some scientific books and articles as “All about writer” (1908), “Thinking about art” (1911), “The art and the war” (1915). All of them are about art in our life. “The Forsyte Saga” was published in 1922 in May. It’s John Galsworthy’s most famous work. From the novel we learn about the Forsyte family. The main character is Miss Forsyte. When she was a little girl her mother died and her father had run away with foreign girl. The Forsyte family wasn’t very friendly but they tried to help each other with problems. “The Forsyte Saga” was the best work of John Galsworthy. In 1932 Galsworthy was awarded the Nobel Literature Prize. But he was seriously ill at that time and didn’t go to the ceremony. The money was given to the Pen-club, which was founded by Galsworthy in 1921. Two months later he died in London. It was the 31st of January, 1933.

Сaга о Форсайтах

True or False 1. John Galsworthy was a famous British poet. 2. He wanted to be a lawyer. 3. He liked Russian Literature. 4. He began writing books when he studied at Oxford University. 5. He never wrote scientific books. 6. He was awarded the Nobel Literature Prize after the death. 7. The best works were articles about art. False False True True False False False

What happened in…? 1867 1884 1908-1915 1921 1922 1932 1933 was born started writing books scientific books and articles about art founded the Pen-club “The Forsyte Saga” got the Nobel Literature Prize died in London

«5» - score 13-14 «4» - score 10-12 «3» - score 6-9

Retell the story a famous writer was born (1867) big school, a lawyer the Oxford University wanted to be a writer favourite writers started writing books scientific books and articles about art “The Forsyte Saga”, the best work The Nobel Literature Prize (1932) died (1933)

«5» - 10-11 sentences «4» - 7-9 sentences «3» - 4-6 sentences.

Let your eyes have some rest. 1 Горизонтальные движения глаз: направо-налево. 2 Движение глазными яблоками по вертикальной линии: вверх-вниз. 3 Круговые движения глазами: по часовой стрелке и в противоположном направлении. 4 Интенсивные сжимания и разжимания глаз в быстром темпе. 5 Движение глаз по диагонали: скосить глаза в левый нижний угол, затем по прямой перевести взгляд вверх. Аналогично в противоположном направлении. 6 Сведение глаз к носу. Для этого к переносице поставьте палец и посмотрите на него - глаза легко «соединятся». 7 Частое моргание глазами.

«5» - score 3 «4» - score 2 «3» - score 1 2. a 3. b 1. c

Make up a dialogue. Put the phrases into the right order. - Samuel Clemens. I like his “Adventures of Tom Sawyer“. - Hello. How are you? - What is it about? - I’ve recently read “Frankenstein”. It’s my cup of tea. I think, it’s worth reading. - It’s a story about an American boy. Something is always happening to him. His life is never boring. He even looks for treasure. And what do you like reading? Reading? Great! What books do you like reading? American. But it wasn’t his real name. -I’m OK. What are you doing now? - Was he an English or an American writer? -Adventure stories. My favourite writer is Mark Twain. - Really? And what was his real one? - Hello. - I’m reading. - Fine, thanks. And you?

Hello. Hello. How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? I’m OK. What are you doing now? I’m reading. Reading? Great! What books do you like reading? Adventure stories. My favourite writer is Mark Twain. Was he an English or an American writer? American. But it wasn’t his real name. Really? And what was his real one? Samuel Clemens. I like his “Adventures of Tom Sawyer“. What is it about? It’s a story about an American boy. Something is always happening to him. His life is never boring. He even looks for treasure. And what do you like reading? I’ve recently read “Frankenstein”. It’s my cup of tea. I think, it’s worth reading.

What books does the boy like reading? What’s his favourite writer? Is Mark Twain his real name? What’s his most famous book? Do you have a favourite book? Answer the questions

+ excellent ? good - not so good.

Why do we need books? We need books to… be intelligent get good education enter the university find a well-paid job find new friends understand our past, present and future understand yourself and other people

to make up a short story about your favourite writer and your favourite book