12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ковалева Вера Петровна5441
педагогический стаж - 18 лет,учитель английского и немецкого языков; классный руководитель
Россия, Ростовская обл., Сальск

Вводный урок английского языка по теме «Летние каникулы» в 9 классе

“Summer Holidays”

Цели: Цели: Знакомство учащихся с учебником, его структурой и особенностями Формирование навыков чтения и аудирования Введение новой страноведческой информации по теме «Достопримечательности» Оборудование: Компьютер Проектор Экран Жетоны

«Enjoy English – 9»

Звук [ŋ] monkey uncle strong sing song long wrong king bank tank kingdom morning Evening Please, odd some more words with this sound.

Hobbies Gardening, reading and writing stories, These are the hobbies of aunt Tory. Drawing, collecting, singing and others, These are the hobbies of my brothers.

Write the words and phrases in the box in the appropriate columns below. a camping holiday at a campsite walking and climbing at a luxury hotel a beach holiday on a cruise ship meeting new people sunbathing a sightseeing holiday relaxing a cruise at youth hostel at sea in the mountains backpacking visiting monuments in the city centre at the seaside seeing new places Types of holiday Holiday places Holiday activities a camping holiday at a campsite walking and climbing

собираться заниматься каким-либо видом деятельности – to be going to do smth. собираться заниматься каким-либо видом деятельности – to be going to do smth. когда-либо занимался - used to do smth. будет заниматься - will do обычно заниматься - usually do E.g.: I am going to meet new friends; I used to avoid meeting new friends, when I was in the camp; I will meet new friends, when I go to the camp next summer; I usually meet my friends when I do different activities.


When people are on holiday they visit different places of interest. We have found out that you were in museums and theatres, galleries and parks last summer. It’s time to check up your geographical knowledge. You can see the pictures on our screen. You will have a minute to match the pictures and their names. What countries are they in? When people are on holiday they visit different places of interest. We have found out that you were in museums and theatres, galleries and parks last summer. It’s time to check up your geographical knowledge. You can see the pictures on our screen. You will have a minute to match the pictures and their names. What countries are they in?

Now it’s time to act out the dialogues. We shall listen to the dialogues of all peoples and choose the best one. Listen to the dialogues carefully because you will help me to decide whose dialogue is the most interesting one. Try to play the dialogues artistically. Now it’s time to act out the dialogues. We shall listen to the dialogues of all peoples and choose the best one. Listen to the dialogues carefully because you will help me to decide whose dialogue is the most interesting one. Try to play the dialogues artistically. E.g.: I haven’t seen you for ages. When did you spend your holiday? I went to Great Britain, to London. Who did you go to London with? I went there with my parents. What interesting places did you visit? We visited Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park. What about the British people? Were they friendly?............