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Учитель английского языка ГБОУ Школа № 1164 Москва
Россия, Москва, Москва

Урок-презентация «Масленица в России и Великобритании»

Масленица в России и Великобритании

Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen. Our English channel is translating the celebration of Maslenica in Russia.

Эй, бегите все сюда, В доме есть сковорода? Расскажу я вам при всех С ней случился один грех. Бабка тесто навела И плеснула пол ковша И в печи вдруг вырос блин Статный грозный господин

Блин тот маслом поливали, День тот «масленкой» назвали, Масленица хоть куда, Полюбуйтесь, господа


Russian people celebrate Maslenica for seven days.

MONDAY They meet Maslenica.

TUESDAY They play different games

WEDNESDAY Each person meets hosts

THURSDAY People have fun outdoors

FRIDAY Mother- in law invites the son- in law to pancakes.

SATURDAY All relatives meet and dance.

SUNDAY It is a Shrove day. On this day people burn a scare crow.

РУССКИЕ БЛИНЫ The symbol of this holiday is pancakes.

In our country we also celebrate this holiday. It is Shrove Tuesday.

This a key of the kingdom.

In this kingdom there is a city

In this city there is a town.

In this town there is a street.

In the street there is a lane.

In the lane there is a yard.

In the yard there is a house.

In the house there is a kitchen where my mum makes pancakes.

Today is a holiday. It is Shrove Tuesday.

Many people gather together to celebrate this holiday.

It starts at twelve o clock

Team races gather in front of the church.

The lord Major of London makes a short speech.

The clockmakers check the time.

The racing begins.

Don t forget to toss the pancakes

Pancakes can go up and down.

When they fall pigeons eat them.

At the end the winning team shows off its racing.