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Күңелемә якын син, туган як. «Родина моя – колыбель моя»
Туган телем – иркә гөлем!
Проект “Сөембикә - Ханбикә” Авторлар: Макаева Ризидә Ахунов Вадим Ишмуратов Руслан Җитәкче: Кильмухаметова Л.М.
There is no man , Tatar by origin, who didn’t hear or know about this mysterious tower. The most unusual structure in the Kremlin Complex is the Suyumbika Tower. It is the brightest architectural jewel standing out from the whole ensemble. It has become the architectural symbol of Kazan and is famous a long way from the Republic of Tatarstan. It is dear to the city like the Tzar Bell to Moscow, the Statue of Liberty to New York. There is no man , Tatar by origin, who didn’t hear or know about this mysterious tower. The most unusual structure in the Kremlin Complex is the Suyumbika Tower. It is the brightest architectural jewel standing out from the whole ensemble. It has become the architectural symbol of Kazan and is famous a long way from the Republic of Tatarstan. It is dear to the city like the Tzar Bell to Moscow, the Statue of Liberty to New York.
There are many legends connected with this tower. It takes its name from the last queen of Kazan, Suyumbika. It has always been a special kind of symbol of the city. It is one of “the falling towers”.
Сагышларны сүтә-сүтә, Айлар үтә, еллар үтә. Безнең язмы синең белән Мәңге бергә, Сөембикә.