12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Унаньян Ася Арамовна72
Стаж работы 45 лет;Почетный работник общего образования РФ; Руководитель МО, классный руководитель Иностранные языки открывают ворота в культуру разных стран и являются важнейшим средством общения между людьми.
Россия, Северная Осетия-Алания респ., Владикавказ

Museum of Science

9 класс


Цель урока: формирование навыков разговорной речи, аудирование, проведение ролевой игры.

Задачи урока: развивать умение понимать текст на слух, развивать умение высказывать свою мысль, практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.

Учебные пособия: таблица с суффиксами, карточки с задачами, портреты ученых, изобразительные науки, магнитофон, интерактивная доска.


Ход урока


Фонетическая зарядка (на доске)


Chemistry linguistics astronomy

Physics psychology meteorology

Biology mathematics geography

Botany history


Знакомство с целью урока.

The subject of today’s lesson is “The Museum of Science“. As we are studying at school specializing in mathematics and physics, we’ll turn on them.

For your information: the word “Science“ comes from a Latin word “Scire“ meaning “to know“.


Работа с лексикой (картинки, изображающие отрасли науки).

А) Look at these drawning and say branches of Science you can match them with.


(ребята называют) biology, astronomy, mathematics, geography, history, physics, botany, chemistry.


Б) Аудирование (слушают определения разных отраслей науки и называют саму науку).

Listen to the definitions of different branches of science and match them with the names of sciences:


It is the science of the stars/ It deals with celestial bodies such as our earth, its moon, the sun, the other planets (astronomy)/

It is the study of the way in which language works (linguistics).

It is the science of mental life which studies human and animal behavior (psychology).

It is the science of life. It deals with great diversity of life forms (biology).

It deals with the scientific observation and study of the phenomena of weather and climate (meteorology).

В) (на доске записаны слова)

From nouns denoting professions, dealing with different branches of learning, science, art.

Science-scientist mathematics-mathematician

Chemistry-chemist history-historian

Physics-physicist politics-politician

Biology-biologist music-musician

Linguistics-linguist astronomy-astronomer

Psychology-psychologist geography-geographer


With the help of which suffixes do we form nouns?

(отвечают) –ist, -er, -ian.

Thus, let’s sum up:

We touched on different subjects belonging to different sciences.

Answer my questions:

What subjects belong to natural sciences?

- (geography, botany, biology)

What subjects belong to physical sciences?

- (physics, mathematics, chemistry)

What subjects belong to social sciences?

- (politics, psychology)

What subjects belong to humanities?

- (history, linguistics)


Основная часть урока.

Ролевая игра.

Let’s turn to the subject of our lesson. So, “The Museum of Science“.

Учитель: To learn more about science I advise you to go to the Museum of Science and Technology in Atlanta. Its name is Sci Trek.

Imagine that we are in the USA and want to visit it, but we don’t know how to get inside the museum. Oh, look! This is Peter Watson and his assistant.

What is your name?

(ученик 2) Andrew Nickson.

(учитель) Meet them. They can help us.

(ученик 1) Glad to meet you! I am Peter Watson. I am the Public Programs at Sci Trek. The museum is great. Because you can touch everything in the museum. You can experiment with the equipment in the museum to learn more about science. It has 100 exhibits. One exhibit teaches you about electricity, another about mathematics and another about thunderstorms.


The exhibits show the principles of science in every day lives. One of exhibit halls is the Hall of Simple Machines. There are also exhibits about Bernaulli’s principle. This is the principle about relative air pressure which engineers use to design the wings of airplanes. There is also a Hall of Electrocity and Magnetism, a Hall of Light, Colour and Perception. In addition to these exhibit halls there is the “Mathematics” exhibit area which is all about the different areas of mathematics.

They have performances and demonstrations about electricity and Newton’s Laws of Motion.


- (ученик 3) Are there any other exhibits? I am interested in exhibits telling about outstanding people.

- (ученик 1) Yes, there are some. One of them is about Michal Faraday. My assistant will tell you about it.

- (ученик 2) M. Faraday was born in London in a poor family. He did not learn much and spent a lot of time playing in the streets. When he was 14 he got some work in a bookseller’s shop. There he read as many books as he could. Later he become an assistant in a laboratory of one of the great scientist. Soon he become interested in electricity and at last he saw that electricity could be made by a machine. This was the beginning of all great machines that make our electricity today. Without them we can have no telephones, no radio, no television. Each of these things is invention made for man by the work of Faraday and others with electricity.


Диалог между Peter Watson и учеником:

- How interesting! It’s worth visiting. Could you help us, please?

- Willingly.

- And what about tickets? How much are they?

- For you, it is free of charge. But there are some conditions. You are: solve problems.

- O.K.


(учитель) Our task is not an easy one.

Let’s try. If we do it successfully, we’ll get into the Museum.

To solve problems, we should memorize 4 rules of arithmetic. Do you remember them?

(ученики): There are: addition + division: subtraction - multiplication x

(учитель) I’ll give you problems to solve. Do it and say what kind of problem it is and how you solved it.

(на карточках задачи)



25 9th – form boys, 18 10th – form boys and 12 11th – form boys belong to the football club. How many boys are there in the club?



Pete has 280 stamps. Alec has 273 stamps. How many more stamps has Pete than Alice?



Mike bought 54 photos. If he can put 6 of them on each page of his album, how many pages will he need?



There is place for 6 stamps on each page of Nick’s stamp book. How many stamps must he have to use 8 pages?



В музее ученики встретили русского мальчика Сашу. Он беседует с американским другом.


Sasha: Why are there so many kids sitting on the floor?

Joey: They’re filling out their activity sheets.

Sasha: What are activity sheets?

Joey: They’re exercises and games that help you understand the exhibits. We should have picked one up when we came in. Let’s get one.

Sasha: The activity sheet says that there is an Ecology Hall here. We can learn how to protect the environment through recycling. Do you know what recycling is?

Joey: Yes. Recycling is when we make new products out of used products. For example, after you use a bottle, you should bring it to a recycling center. Then the glass from the bottle is used to make new glass products.


Отвечают на вопросы по диалогу.


Подведение итогов.

To conclude with, answer my question/

What impressed you most?

(учащиеся) отвечают.


Комментирование оценок.


Объяснение домашнего задания.


Сделать сообщение о любом русском ученом.




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