12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Михель А.А.20

Занятие разговорного клуба английского языка «Speaking Club»

«Travelling. At the airport»

Цель: развитие навыков диалогического и монологического высказываний на английском языке

Занятие рассчитано на слушателей уровней elementary – pre-intermediate (A1 – A2)

Материалы: листы бумаги для каждой группы, маркеры, карточки с активной лексикой занятия (приложение 1), карточки с кратким описанием ситуаций (приложение 2)

Пояснительная записка

Данный конспект занятия будет полезен педагогам дополнительного образования, преподавателям школ, курсов английского языка, разговорных английских клубов. Основная направленность урока – развитие навыка «говорение».


Ход занятия

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear students! Welcome to our English speaking club today! Today we are going to discuss an interesting theme “Travelling. At the airport”. Today there are two teams. First, let’s remember the words and phrases connected with our theme. (For each team is given a paper with the word Travelling and marker. Teams have to write as many words and phrases connected with travelling as they can in 3 minutes). Check together by reading the words in turn.

Teacher: Where do we usually start our travelling?

Students (possible answers): train stations, airports, ports

Teacher: Right! And what situations can happen at the airport?

Students (possible answers): Lost the baggage, you don’t know where you should go etc.

Teacher: Well done! Now we are going to learn some words that can be useful in some situations at the airport. (The teacher shows the words and phrases and repeats them with the students)

Teacher: I have a box with some situations. There are 8 situations (it depends of number of students). Take one of them, read silently and talk for 3 minutes, try to explain this situation without naming it. The other students should guess the situation. (It can be group work, pair work or speaking individually)


Teacher: Great job! Now please, work in pairs. Take one paper, read the situation and act out the dialogue with your partner using our today’s words. (Students write and act out the dialogues in pairs, changing the situations between pairs. The teacher monitors and if necessary, helps)

End of the lesson

Teacher: What did you learn from today’s lesson?

Students (possible answer): We can deal with the situations at the airport. We learnt some words and phrases that can help us in our travelling. Etc.

Teacher: Thank you for today’s lesson! Bye!

Краткий план урока

Warm-up: brainstorming.

Drilling the

Describing game

Act out game

Приложение 1





На борту

on board




flight, fly




flight, scheduled flight

Международный рейс

international flight



Пункт назначения










Место регистрации

check-in desk

Паспортный контроль

passport control

Служащий паспортного контроля

passport control officer



Таможенная декларация

customs declaration



Ручной багаж

hand luggage

Выдача багажа

baggage claim area

Ярлык к багажу

luggage tag


information office





1) Buying a ticket 

I'd like to reserve two seats to ….

Will that be one way or round trip?

How much is a round trip ticket?

It's $.... Will you pay by check or by credit card?

Here's my Visa Card. Can we get an aisle seat please?

You can choose your seat when you check in. 

2) Checking In

Can I see your ticket and passport, please?

Here they are. Can we get one seat near the aisle?

Yes, that's no problem. You're in seats (example 27B and 27C).

Thanks. Where do we go next?

Go to Gate A8, straight ahead then turn left. 

3) On the Airplane

Would you like something to drink?

Could I have ….?

Here you are. Please fill out this form before the plane lands.

What is this form for?

It's a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the airport before you can enter the country. 

4) The Arrival

Thank you for flying our Airlines!

I had a good trip. Thanks for your help.

It was our pleasure and we hope to see you again. 

Приложение 2


You have lost your luggage

You cannot find the right gate

your plane is delayed

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