Урок английского языка «Путешествие по родному краю» — «Travelling across My Native Place» (9 класс)

Победитель педагогического конкурса ‒ Конкурс на лучший урок-экскурсию по иностранному языку
Материал опубликован 11 November 2015

«Travelling across My Native Place»

урок английского языка в 9 классе

Автор: Белова Л.Н., учитель английского языка,

МБОУ ВМР «Березниковская основная школа

имени Е.М. Ставцева»

Вологодского района Вологодской области


Путешествие по родному краю

Тип урока: урок систематизации знаний

Форма урока: урок – экскурсия

Цель: формировать основные коммуникативные компетенции по теме “Путешествие” с использованием регионального материала


  • познавательный аспект – систематизация знаний, полученных на уроках ИЯ по региональной тематике;
  • развивающий аспект – развитие коммуникативности (способности к общению в парах и группах), вовлечение учащихся в творческий процесс;
  • воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре АЯ стран через более глубокое осознание своей культуры, формирование способности к групповой работе и воспитание ответственности за совместную работу;
  • социокультурный аспект – выработка умения понимать, какие ценности материальной и духовной культуры являются предметом национальной гордости, знакомство с богатствами своего края.

Оформление доски: дата, вопросы.

Оборудование: экран, медиапроектор, ноутбук.

Структура урока

Организационный момент – 2 мин.

Просмотровое чтение – 2 мин.

Изучающее чтение – 2 мин.

Говорение: монолог – рассуждение – 2 мин.

Говорение: диалогическая речь – 7 мин.

Говорение: полилог – расспрос -5 мин.

Аудирование основного содержания текста, письмо – 5 мин.

Аудирование с полным пониманием содержания текста, письмо – 10 мин

Дискуссия – 6 мин.

Итоги урока -1 мин.

Дом. задание – 1мин.

Рефлексия – 2 мин.

Ход урока

Начало урока. T.: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you.

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Is anybody absent?

(Доброе утро, девочки и мальчики! Очень рада видеть вас. Кто дежурный? Дата. Отсутствующие)

Введение в сюжет урока. I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready to work hard. What is the theme of our lesson today? Let’s read a poem and name it.

( A poem “ O, My Peaceful Motherland “ by Rubtsov ) Приложение 1

(Уверена, что вы полны энергии и готовы для плодотворной работы. Какая тема урока? Назовём её, прочитав стих-е Н. Рубцова « Тихая моя родина)

Yes, today we’ll speak about many interesting places, travelling across our beautiful Motherland and play different roles. (Slide 1) (Да, сегодня мы будем говорить о многих интересных местах, путешествуя по нашей красивой Родине, и сыграем различные роли)

Why? Boys and girls, we received a letter from the UK. Let’s read it.

( Почему? Мы получили письмо из СК. Давайте прочтём)

( Slide 2)

Dear Russian Friends,

We are a group of 10 pupils want to visit your Motherland. We know that you have a lot of places connected with religion, literature, science. It is very interesting for us to watch your nature. See you soon.

Yours sincerely,

British friends.

( Дорогие российские друзья! Мы группа из 10 человек хотим посетить вашу Родину. Мы знаем, что у вас много мест, связанных с религией, литературой, наукой. Нам очень интересно посмотреть на вашу природу. Скоро увидимся. Ваши британские друзья)

Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T.: What do you think about this letter? We must help them to define a route. How can they get here? (Что Вы думаете об этом письме? Мы должны помочь им определиться с маршрутом. Как они смогут добраться сюда?)

Примерные ответы учеников:

P1: They can travel from London to Moscow by plane because it is the fastest kind of transport.

P2: Our guests can leave Moscow for Vologda by train because our train” Vologda Dawns” is very comfortable, clean and not very expensive.

P3: We’ll meet them in Vologda because we have a school bus…

T.: Yes. You’re right. (Slide 3)


Развитие диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос, диалог-обмен мнениями)

T.: Well, now they know the way. But our guests need tickets, they want to know what clothes and things are very necessary for them and, of course, they’ll have to get through passport control. Boys and girls, imagine that you are those British tourists who are going to visit us. I want you to choose one of the situations and make up a conversation between foreigners using the following phrases.

Card 1 In the Booking-office ( В билетной кассе)

Card 2 Things I need in the travelling (То, что мне нужно для путешествия)

Сard 3 At Customs ( На таможне) (См. приложение 2)

(Теперь они знают путь. Но им необходимо купить билеты, они хотят знать о необходимых вещах и одежде, и, конечно, им придётся пройти паспортный контроль. Давайте представим, что вы британские туристы. Мне бы хотелось , чтобы вы выбрали одну из ситуаций и разыграли разговор между иностранцами, используя следующие фразы)

Развитие навыков говорения (полилог-расспрос)

T.: Our guests have arrived to Moscow and they’re hurrying up to catch a train where they have a chance to speak about the travelling with their neighbours ( Наши гости прибыли в Москву и спешат сесть на поезд, где у них есть возможность поговорить о путешествиях с соседями)

P1- P2: Do you like to travel?

P3-P4: Have you ever been to Russia?

P5-P6: What do you know about Vologda and the Vologda Region?....

Развитие навыков аудирования с разными стратегиями.

T.: We are very happy to see our guests in Vologda. Let’s invite them to a bus and tell about our beautiful Motherland. (Мы рады видеть наших гостей в Вологде. Пригласим их в автобус и расскажем о нашей прекрасной Родине)

(При подготовке к уроку учащиеся индивидуально выбирали домашние задания по региональной тематике, в приложении приводятся неполные сообщения уч-ся 9 класса 2012-2013 уч. года)

  1. Аудирование с пониманием основного содержания текста.

T.: We’ll listen to our guides and fill in the table. You may ask questions. (Slides 4,5)

(Слушаем экскурсоводов и заполняем таблицу)


The Vologda Region

the Vologda District

Administrative centre 








Famous people


Mineral resources









P1: The Vologda Region.

P2, P3: The Vologda Municipal District. ( См. приложение 3)


7.2 Аудирование с полным пониманием содержания текста. Практика в письменной речи.

T.: We’ve reached our territory and you can continue our excursion.

During it you’ll answer the following questions: ( вопросы записаны на доске)

(Мы добрались до нашей местности и можем продолжить нашу экскурсию. Попробуйте ответить на вопросы)

Why is the history of the Syamsky Monastery so interesting? (Почему история Сямского монастыря так интересна?)

When and where were the famous people born? (Когда и где родились знаменитые люди?)

What made them well-known? ( Что сделало их знаменитыми?)

What are their main characteristics? (Их главные характеристики)

Are we proud of them? Why? (Гордимся ли мы ими? Почему?)

Where can we rest and relax? ( Где мы можем отдохнуть и расслабиться?)

P4: The Syamsky Monastery. Vladimir Gilyarovsky. ( См. приложение 4) (Slide 6 )

(Сямский монастырь. Владимир Гиляровский)

P5: Ivan Evdokimov. Saint Martinian. (Slide 7) (Иван Евдокимов. Святой Мартиниан)

P6: Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin (Slide 8) (Сергей Владимирович Ильюшин)

P7: Kubenskoye Lake and the Wonder-made Spring. (Slide 9) (Кубенское озеро. Чудотворный источник)

So, our excursion is over. We hope you were very glad to visit our amazing places and get some new information. Good luck! ( Наша экскурсия закончена. Мы надеемся, что вы были рады посетить наши удивительные места и получить новую информацию)

Проверка понимания содержания текстов.

T: Dear boys and girls! Our excursion has just ended. What is your opinion about it? Can you feel pride of your Motherland? Did our guests like it? Let’s discuss in pairs and fill in the claster.


(Наша экскурсия закончена. Ваше мнение о ней. Чувствуете ли вы гордость за Родину? Понравилась ли она нашим гостям? Обсудите в парах  

Our  Motherland is worth visiting because ..…..

T: Our lesson is going to be end. You’ve worked hard and learnt a lot of useful things. I want you to mark your answers by yourselves. Tick in the control cards the columns you took part in. (Наш урок подошёл к концу. Вы работали усердно и узнали много полезного. Оцените себя сами, заполнив контрольную карту)

Карта коммуникативных достижений учащихся.


            Score (1-5)

Dialogues “ We’re going to Russia”, “ In the train”


Monologue “ Travelling across my Motherland”


Audition 1 “ The Vologda Region” , “ The Vologda District”


Audition 2 “ About famous people and places”










Homework: write a composition «Seven wonders of the Vologda District» or « There is no place like home» (Дом. задание: написать сочинение на одну из тем)


Reflex questions: (Рефлексия)

What information was new for you? ( Какая информация была для вас новой?)

What was interesting for you? (Что для вас было интересным?)

Have you any new ideas? (Есть ли у вас какие-то новые идеи?)

Could you add anything to our information? ( Можете ли вы добавить что-то к этой информации?)


Приложения 1-4 – материалы к уроку

Приложение 1.

o, my peaceful motherland

Dedicated to V.Belov
O, my peaceful motherland! Slimy and boggy is riverbanк,
Nightingales, willows and streams, Where I liked swimming. As yet!
Mother's regrettable funeral, Oh, my peaceful motherland!
That, all my life, I have seen Nothing I cannot forget.
- Tell me the way to the cemetery. There's a new fence in front of school,
I by myself cannot find. Green scope's the same, wide and fine.
Countrymen answered me, whispering: Like a crow so cheerful
It's on the opposite side. Right on the fence I shall climb.

Countrymen answered willingly, Oh, my school! Wooden school of mine!
Softly passed by string of carts, Time will approach to leave -
Church cloister dome, vividly, And behind me foggy river line
Grown with bright-coloured grass. Will, from myself, flee and flee.
Places, I swam for fish to hook, With every hut, heavy cloudiness
Now have many hay stacks And thunder, ready to fall,
There between those river crooks I feel the link so boundless,
Dug was canal in a crack. Scalding and mortal in all.

Приложение 2

Card 1 In the Booking-office Card 2 Things I need in the travelling

Use: I want to book tickets to… Use: It’s a good idea to have…

Single or return? Don’t forget to take…

How many tickets…..? …may be very useful there

First or second class? You can’t do without…..

How much….? Things like…are absolutely essential

Card 3 At Customs

Use: What is a purpose of…?

Where are you going to…?

Do you have anything to declare?

Open your luggage…

Have a good time…


Приложение 3

The Vologda Region.

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

We are very happy to see you in our native place.

It was founded in 1937. Our region is one of the largest regions in Russia. It is 145,000 square km. The Vologda region is situated in the northwest of Russia. It is stretches by 385 km from the north to the south and by 650 km from the east to the west. Our region is bordered on the north by Karelia, on the north-west by the Archangelsk Region…. The principal city is Vologda.

The population is 1324,000 people. The main economies are steel, metals, chemicals, machinery, lace-making. We have a highly developed agriculture: milk and meat stock-breeding, food processing, vegetables, grain crops.

Our nature is beautiful and different: blue lines of small rivers, blue mirror of a majestic Kubenskoye Lake, green patches of meadows, forests and fields, a lot of kinds of animals and birds. Our forests are full of elks, foxes, bears, wolves, hares. Beaches, fir-trees, oaks, aspens, poplars, pine-trees grow there.


The Vologda Municipal District.

The Vologda municipal district is an administrative-territorial unit of the Vologda Region. It was founded in 1929. The City of Vologda is an administrative centre of the Vologda district. The territory of 23 rural area soviets forms the total territory of the district. The population is 51, 2 thousand people.

The Vologda district within the present time borders has been existing since December 13, 1952, but its history begins in the ancient time.

In the year of 1941 Russia was invaded by German troops. 11,632 soldiers, called up for military service from the Vologda district were killed. On August 25, 1941 political instructor ( in units of the Soviet armed forces) A. K. Pankratov, a native of Abakshino (a village of the Vologda district) threw himself upon the German machine-gun… Thousands of Russian pilots fought against German air troops on low-flying attack aircrafts, constructed by S.V. Ilyushin, a native of the Vologda district.

Our district disposes of a great amount of natural resources.

The hunting-ground has a territory of 445,2 hectares. The fishing resources amount to 1300 tons. The agro-industrial complex of the Vologda district amounts to 44 enterprises: 32 agricultural enterprises (3 poultry farms, 2 pig-farms, 1 cattle-breeding farm, 5 experimental farms), 4 enterprises of treatment, 6 service enterprises and 2 industrial enterprises.


Приложение 4

Let’s continue our excursion. Syama is a wonderful place. The Syamsky Monastery counts four centuries of history. It is a glittering prize of national architecture and one of the oldest of the northern Russian North. It was built in the first quarter of the XVI century. In 1545 Ivan IV visited the Syamsky Monastery. The Syamsky monastery was a center of spiritual, cultural and economic life. In 1678 it has 14 villages with 380 people in its own. It had a tradition of annual fairs.

Nowadays existing majestic architectural ensemble must be reconstructed and rebuild. The tradition of annual fairs was renewed in 2006.

Syama is a Motherland of Vladimir Gilyarovsky. He was born at the 26th of November in a small village near Syama. Vladimir’s father was a manager of the Prince Olsufev. Volodya liked clean air, fields and forests. He swam in Kubenskoye Lake that gave him good health and strength. When he was eight, his mother died.

In 1865 Vladimir went to the gymnasium, he began to write poems studying there. Read the novel “ What to Do?” Vladimir decided to run away from his native house. He travelled to the Volga. Gilyarovsky became a tramp. He worked a barge-hauler, a fighter, a circus rider, an actor, a connoisseur of horse-riding and fire business. Vladimir Alexeevich was a participant of the Olympic Games in 1897. He won the gold medal. Vladimir was famous as his strength as his journalist exploits. Vladimir was a “king of reporters”. Gilyarovsky penetrated to the czar’s coronation and spoke with working people. He was a witness of most important events.

You can see a memorial stone established in honor of 150 anniversary of Vladimir Gilyarovsky.


P5: Syama is a place where Ivan Evdokimov spent his childhood. Ivan Evdokimov was born in 1887. He spent his childhood in the village of Syama near Kubenskoye Lake. His father was a peasant. Ivan remembered beautiful silence and noisy fairs with trade, merry-go-rounds, songs and bells in Syama. He studied in the Syama and Novlenskoye schools. Evdokimov liked to read and tried to write short stories.

In 1902 they moved to Vologda. Ivan Vasilyevich graduated the Classical Gymnasium for boys. He worked a telegraphist at the railway Vologda –Petersburg. In 1911 Evdokimov entered to the Petersburg University. After graduating the university he went back to Vologda and worked a director of the library in the Molochny institute. Evdokimov published a monograph” The North in the History of Russian Art.” In 1922 he moved to Moscow and worked in Gosizdat.

In 1926 Ivan Vasilyevich published his novel “Bells” and became famous. He wrote some monographs about great artists Repin, Surikov, Vrubel, Levitan.

Our land is a Motherland of Saint Martinian. But we don’t where he was born. May be in Syama, Bereznik or Gorka. Different books have different facts about his birth. He was born nearly 1400. Between 1427 and 1435 he was a head of the Pherapontovo pustyn. His far relatives live in Bereznik nowadays.


P6: We are in Dilyalevo now. It is a place where S.V. Ilyushin was born.

Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin was born on March 31, 1834 in the village of Delyalevo in the Vologda region. He was the ninth child in the family. He had to work very early. Sergey began to help to his father when he was five years old. He went to school at the age of eight. Sergei graduated his school at the age of eleven. He had no chance to continue his education. So, he began his working life. Sergey Vladimirovich worked as a ground-man of highways and railways, a helper of an engineman.

In 1913 he moved to St. Petersburg where he watched flying machines.

In 1917 Sergey Vladimirovich passed the exam and became a pilot, he made his first flight with pilot Grigorovich

During the Great Patriotic War Sergey Vladimirovich created a lot of military planes. Sergei Vladimirovich created more than 50 types of planes during his life. He had a rank of general- colonel-engineer.

Sergey Vladimirovich was three times a Hero of Socialist Work. He was awarded the Lenin Prize and the State Prize of the USSR in 1941, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1952.

Ilyushin liked to spend his holidays in his native places, he liked to meet with native people and go fishing to Kubenskoye Lake. Sergey Vladimirovich died in 1977 but the people will remember him as a great lover of his Motherland and a great aircraft-designer.


P7: You can rest and relax visiting Kubenskoye Lake and the Wonder-made Spring. Our lake has more than 19 types of fish and 11 of them are marketable fish such as white fish ( freshwater fish of salmon family), white salmon, pike-perch, pike, bream, burbot, etc.

We want to invite you to our Wonder-made Spring. It is a well with clean cold water. A lot of people come here to wash or to bath in it. Many people take some water home. People know a legend about this well and Virgin’s stone. They think that this water and a stone are curative. So they come here very often, especially in religious holidays. You can wash or bath in the well if you like cold water.

So, our excursion is over. We hope you were very glad to visit our beautiful places and get some new information. Good luck!


Приложение 5 – презентация « Travelling across my native place», содержащая иллюстративный материал к уроку.

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