12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115

Variant 1

picked on me / full-time / apply for / the same boat / deal / wage / CV / part-time

My first job was in a restaurant. I worked there for two years, at weekends and during the holidays. It was very hard work but it was a good experience because I learned about working with people and how to _____ with difficult customers. I also made some good friends. We were all in _______ so we helped each other.

In my next job I worked as a waiter in a hotel. The ______ was very low, but the tips were good. I had to learn new things, like serving wine. I enjoyed it and it was good practice for my English. But there were some employees who _______. After that I worked in a clothes shop and then in a call centre. I didn't like the call centre job because it was boring. I had to do the same thing every day and I wasn't allowed to talk to my friends. But I liked the clothes shop job because I love fashion and I enjoyed helping people choose clothes. In fact, I'm still interested in fashion and I often go shopping with my friends. They say I'm a real fashion victim!

I left school last year and now I'm looking for a ______ job. I'm going to ____ a job in a sports shop. I think I'm a good candidate because I have lots of experience and I'm good with people. I'm going to send them my _____ on Monday. In the meantime, I'm looking for a _____ job as I want to combine it with my study. I don't want to work in a restaurant again because it's too hard and the hours are terrible.

Variant 2

employee / responsibility / applied / part-time / the same boat / jack of all trades / CV / wage

When I was at school, we were all in _____. We had to do some work at home and we didn't get much pocket money. My mum used to give me £50 a week, but it wasn't enough. When I was 14, I got my first job. I worked in a shop on Saturday mornings. I hated it. I got up at six o'clock and then I had to work until one o'clock. I got £5 for four hours' work. I didn't think it was worth it.

After that, I had lots of jobs. I was a paperboy, a waiter, a cleaner and a shop assistant. I was a ______! In the end, I left school and went to college. I studied business and IT. Then I _____ for a job in an office. I sent them my ______ and they gave me an interview. I was really nervous because I wanted the job. They offered me a ______ job and I started the next day. It was OK at first, but then I got more and more ________. I didn't like it. My boss was horrible and I didn't get on with my colleagues. They picked on me because I was the youngest ______. I worked there for two years and then I left.

Now I'm not working. I'm looking for another job, but it's difficult because there aren't many jobs around. I don't want to work in an office again. I want to work outside. I'd like to be a gardener or a farmer. I don't mind getting up early and I don't mind hard work. The only problem is the ______. This is terrible.

https://youtube.com/watch ?v=uBBSs4R0eK8


1. Work at: restaurant

2. Type of work: answering the phone / washing up
3. Number of hours per week: 11 hours / 12 hours / 20 hours

4. Work permit: yes/no

5. Work in the: Hillsdunne Road branch / Hillsdonne Road branch

6. Nearest bus stop: next to the park/ library

7. Pay: 4 pounds and 35 / 45 an hour

8. Extra benefits:

- a free dinner

- extra pay when you work on national holidays / weekends

- transport home when you work after 10 / 11 o’clock

9. Qualities required:
1) loud / clear voice
2) ability to think quickly / walk quickly

10. Interview arranged for: Tuesday / Thursday 23 / 22 of October at 5 / 6 p.m.

11. Name of the interviewer: Samira Menudja / Manuja


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