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Федорова Ксения Петровна13
учитель английского языка
Россия, Иркутская обл., город Тайшет

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "My hometown is close to my heart" Учителя-предметники: Коловская И.В. Федорова К.П.

Презентация к мероприятию My hometown is close to my heart
PPT / 3.98 Мб

/data/files/p1662175252.ppt (Презентация к мероприятию My hometown is close to my heart)Разработка внеклассного мероприятия

"My hometown is close to my heart"

Учителя-предметники: Коловская И.В. Федорова К.П.


- знакомство с достопримечательностями своего города глазами иностранца посредством виртуальной экскурсии

- воспитание гражданственности - любви к родному городу;

- развитие коммуникативных навыков обучающихся на иностранном языке.

Оснащение: проектор, презентация

Ход мероприятия:

Narrator 1: Our event is devoted to our hometown. The narrators are going to take a virtual tour around Taishet.You should listen to them attentively to answer some questions afterwards.

Narrator 2:Taishet is a small town in Irkutsk region. But people in Russia know Taishet as the start point of the Baikal Amur Mainline. It is famous for it. The foreigners travel to the lake Baikal by train passing our town by. The railway station is one of the remarkable sights of our small town.

Narrator 1: You can see the legendary steam engine of L.S.Lebedyanzki next to the station.

Narrator 2: You can learn interesting facts from the past of Taishet area and also about the origin of our town and the way people lived visiting the Historical museum of Taishet in Lenin Street.

Narrator 1: Among other sights of our town there are
the monument to victims of repression, the Square of Love and Yubileinaya Square with the battle tank T34.

Narrator 2: If you are in our small town you can stay in the “Biryusa” hotel or “Visit” hotel. You will be offered comfortable apartments.

Narrator 1: Many people live in beautiful houses with gardens, others live in blocks of flats.

Narrator 2: Taishet is a town where it’s not difficult to drive in, because the traffic isn’t heavy. We don’t have traffic jams. The public transport consists of buses, minibuses and taxes. A lot of people have their own cars to move.

Narrator 1: In their free time people like to go shopping. When the weather is good people go to the countryside to have picnics. They also enjoy making visits and having guests. Sometimes we arrange street parties or have sport events. It’s a pity but we don’t have local theatre and cinema.

Narrator 2: The people are different, but the majority of them are friendly. If you come to any family you will be met hospitably. You can taste Russian food: borsch, pelmeni, delicious pies. You can also go to the restaurant. In 2021, a new city park was opened in our city. people will be able to spend their time. This park is very beautiful and modern.

Welcome to us!

Narrator 1: Now answer the questions:

1.Where is the historical museum of Taishet located?

Narrator 2: 2.Where can you see the legendary steam engine of L.S.Lebedyanski?

Narrator 1: 3.What kinds of public transport can you travel in Taishet?

Narrator 2: 4.How often do you use public transport?

Narrator 1: 5.Are there any traffic jams in our town?

Narrator 2: 6.How do people spend their free time in Taishet?

Narrator 1: 7.What can you do in a new Central Park ?

Narrator 2: Thank you for your attention. Love your hometown, do good things for your town and take care of it!


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