12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Галина Попова14


I. Match the half-sentences to make correct and complete sentences

1. Some typical symptoms of deficiency are …

A. …the Latin word «vita» («life») and the Greek word «amine».

2. B12, found in the same foods and in milk products, serves …

B. … absorbed by the body with the aid of fat and then stored in body fat.

3. A deficiency of Vitamin A can cause …

C. … as a coenzyme in nucleic acid synthesis and development of red blood cells.

4. Vitamin D is particularly …

D. … fatigue, depression or anemia.

5. The water soluble vitamins, including Vitamin C and all of the B complex vitamins, are …

E. …only occur in extreme causes of malnutrition, but this doesn’t mean that supplements might not be useful.

6. The word vitamin was formed from …

F. … angina (cardiovascular distress), for reasons not yet understood.

7. Vitamin E rich blood helped to prevent …

G. … the twenty essential code elements.

8. The fat soluble vitamins, including A, D, E and K, are …

H. … used up quickly or excreted in urine and perspiration; they are not stored and should be consumed daily.

9. Most experts believe that Vitamin E deficiency can …

I…. impaired growth, nigh blindness, diarrhea and increased mortality in the worst cases.

10. Amino acids are …

J. … important for hardening of bones and teeth, and aiding in the intestine’s absorption of calcium.

II.составьте предложения

maintenance, a, can, of, vitamins, health, thus, looked, crucial, in, the, at, long-term, be, as, ingredient.

or, supplements, found, are, in, usually, foodstuffs, taken as they.

are, of, the, of, building, life, amino, then, blocks, acids are, the, if, building, proteins, blocks, proteins.

of, B, the, can, group, anemia, and, other, skin, diseases, deficiencies, cause, problems.

considerable, myth, beyond, there, still, ignorance, widespread, this, and, is, however.

III. Match the names of vitamins with the synonyms:

1) tocopherols

a) Vitamin A

2) pyridoxine

b) Vitamin B12

3) biotin

c) Vitamin K

4) pantothenic acid

d) Vitamin B6

5) cyanocobalamin

e) Vitamin B5

6) phylloquinone

f) Vitamin B9

7) retinol

g) Vitamin E

8) folic acid

h) Vitamin B


Questions to crossword:


1. A disorder of infancy and early childhood caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, causing soft bones.

4. Any of a specific group of organic compounds essential in small quantities for healthy human growth, metabolism, development and body functions.

5. An insufficiency, especially of something essential to health.

7. The act of supplementing.

8. A condition in which the sufferer has frequent and watery bowel movements.

10. A disease caused by insufficient intake of vitamin C leading to the formation of livid spots on the skin, spongy gums, loosening of the teeth and bleeding into the skin and from almost all mucous membranes.

11. One of the constituents of vitamin B complex, found in meat, yeast and bran, that is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates.

13. Any small molecule that is necessary for the functioning of an enzyme.

15. A lack of adequate nourishment.

17. A sugar, starch, or cellulose that is a food source of energy for an animal or plant; a saccharide.

18. A medical condition in which the capacity of the blood to transport oxygen to the tissues is reduced, either because of too few red blood cells, or because of too little hemoglobin, resulting in pallor and fatigue.

19. A disease, with skin lesions and mental confusion, primarily caused by a niacin deficiency.


2. Actions performed to keep some machine or system functioning or in service.

3. The act of joining, or condition of being joined.

6. In nutrition, one of a group of vitamins that act against the effects of free radicals.

9. The act or process of absorbing or of being absorbed in living organisms.

12. A naturally occurring pentose sugar, which is a component of the nucleosides and nucleotides that constitute the nucleic acid biopolymer, RNA.

14. An instance of material which may be used as food.

16. Constituent of vitamin D2.

VI. Test to the text:

1. … have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism.

vitamin E

vitamin K

vitamin D

2. Deficiencies of … can cause rickets in children and oseomalacia in adults.

vitamin E

vitamin D

vitamin K

3. Most people have recognition that … prevents scurvy.

vitamin A

vitamin B

vitamin C

4. … is found in vegetable oil, green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, egg yolk, butter and liver.

vitamin E

vitamin D

vitamin A

5. … is found in meats, whole grains and nuts, serves in carbohydrate metabolism and production of ribose for RNA and DNA.

vitamin B5

vitamin B2

vitamin B1

6. … is found in the same foods and in milk products, serves as a coenzyme in nucleic acid synthesis and development of red blood cells.

vitamin B7

vitamin B12

vitamin B9

7. … is found in liver, milk, cheese, meat and fortified grains, functions as a coenzyme to help cells use oxygen to get energy from food.

vitamin B1

vitamin B2

vitamin B5

8. … is essential in the blood-clotting process and it is hoped that it can be applied to treatment of hemophilia, wound or surgery recovery and other medical problems.

vitamin K

vitamin E

vitamin D

9. … is found in meats, shellfish, whole grains and vegetables, also serves as a coenzyme in protein metabolism.

vitamin B5

vitamin B7

vitamin B6

10. …is extremely important formation and maintenance of skin and mucous membranes, in visual functions and in bone and tooth development.

vitamin E

vitamin D

vitamin A






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