12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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The aim of the lesson is to define the word “feminism” and learn about the most significant events and people in women's history.


Reproduce the information and add a sentence or two on your own.

Feminism is a complex set of ideologies and theories that at its core seeks to achieve equal social, political, and economic rights for women and men. Feminism refers to a diverse variety of beliefs, ideas, movements, and agendas for action. It refers to any actions, especially organized, that promote changes in society to end patterns that have disadvantaged women.

Here are some facts about feminism. Translate them into good Russian. Practice back translation from Russian into English.

Feminism dispels the age old belief that society was founded by the father and that a man is the head of the family.

Queen Elizabeth's succession to the English throne was one such event that dispelled the old ritual of male succession.

One in three women are raped globally once in their lifetime.

38% of women murdered are killed by their partners. 130 million women worldwide have been forced for genital mutilation.

99.3% women in Egypt have been subjected to sexual harassment.

Women in 10 countries are forced by law to obey their husbands. 76 countries have legislations against domestic violence and only 57 of these countries include sexual harassment under the legislation.

Only 24% senior management posts are held by women. 14% of active members in the US armed force are women.

Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. This law is currently being challenged.

Feminists and scholars have divided the movement's history into three "waves". The first wave refers mainly to women's suffrage movements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The second wave refers to the ideas and actions associated with the women's liberation movement beginning in the 1960s. The third wave refers to a continuation of, and a reaction to the perceived failures of, second-wave feminism, beginning in the 1990s.

Enumerate the most essential events in the history of feminism. What are the reasons for it? What are the results of the events you mention we have?

Emma Watson, better known by most people as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, recently gave a speech in front of the United Nations to launch UN Women’s new campaign ‘HeForShe’. The aim of this campaign is to end sexism and ensure that gender equality is achieved as soon as possible.

Usually, I do not pay much attention to feminist speeches – not because I don’t care, but more because I feel like however much we discuss it or try to fight against it, there will always be a gender gap. Having been to an all-girls school whose ‘Women in Leadership’ program encouraged us to challenge the gender stereotypes women are so often restricted by, I have been aware of the ever-growing inequality in our society. But, having been exposed to the issue for so many years and having witnessed so little change, it’s no wonder that I (and undoubtedly many other women of my generation) am beginning to feel a little disheartened.

In her speech, Emma Watson challenges this. She acknowledges that for many people, listening to speeches about gender inequality will not solve the problem. But she suggests that maybe it is not the giving of speeches that is the issue, but that it is the audience to whom they are addressed. She argues that, as women, we must invite men to listen to our problems in order to help them understand our situation. If feminist speeches are only delivered amongst women, then that makes women guilty of the same sexism we are trying so hard to overcome.

It would be so easy for all women to give up and accept that society will never be equal and, as I said before, I often feel that way myself. But, really, all it takes is for one brave person to stand up and say ‘If not me, who?’ If I don’t stand up for what I know is right, how can I expect others to do the same? ‘If not now, when?’ If I don’t say it now, it will never get said.

The message of Emma Watson’s speech is important, and unlike most other speeches I have heard in support of feminism it stresses that women are not solely responsible for fighting against sexism, but that in order to close the gender gap, men and women must unite and work together to reach the goal of a sexually equal society.

Is feminism a purely female issue? Do you think men should be more involved with the fight against gender inequality?

Dwell upon the following issues:

What is the biggest worldwide problem facing women?

Do you think feminism sometimes has an unfair image? Why? Why not?

Which woman has made the greatest progress for women and the development of feminism? What is her merit?

Feminism should be the movement that raises women suffering under injustice and stereotypes but it should by no means be the target towards belittling the other gender.

What are the pros and cons of feminism? What is your personal attitude to the women’s movement?


Render the following text into English:

По данным Hays, 31% российских женщин считает, что наиболее эффективной мерой с точки зрения повышения гендерного разнообразия в мире карьеры и бизнеса будет продвижение профессионально успешного женского образа. В стиле работы мужчин и женщин чаще всего есть отличия — и это совершенно нормально. Гендерный баланс — это не про то, чтобы больше женщин играло по мужским правилам, а про то, чтобы оптимальные условия были обеспечены и тем, и другим. Это, кстати, не только про гендер, но и про общечеловеческие ценности. Все люди разные, и это, скорее, плюс, чем минус. 

Баланс начинается не с равной оплаты труда и не с равного количества мужчин и женщин в совете директоров — это уже следующие шаги. Первый шаг — взаимное уважение и поддержка, и самые небольшие их проявления. Пожимать руки всем коллегам, а не только мужчинам. Не шутить презрительно про женские коллективы, хотя бы на работе. Поддерживать коллег-женщин, когда им необходимо уделить больше времени семье, а не пытаться выделиться на их фоне «а вот мне не нужно» (в разумных пределах, конечно же). 

Было бы замечательно, если бы женщины в России не стеснялись принадлежности к женскому сообществу, а наоборот, гордились этим и чуть больше поддерживали друг друга. Согласитесь, гораздо приятнее было бы жить в мире, где твой профессионализм оценивают по реальным достижениям, наличие семьи не считается ограничивающим фактором, а поддержка коллег не зависит от того, одного ли вы пола.  


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