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Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Space exploration», 8 класс

  «Space exploration» ттт ттт . We’ll remember some facts from the history of space exploration, you’ll tell us what you know about the first men in space, about planets of Solar System and we’ll learn a lot of interesting facts about Space.

We don’t know when men began to dream of travelling in space. The first story that we know about a space flight was written in the year 150. The author described how, during a great storm, a big wave raised a ship up to the Moon, and the men in the ship found themselves in a new world. We don’t know when men began to dream of travelling in space. The first story that we know about a space flight was written in the year 150. The author described how, during a great storm, a big wave raised a ship up to the Moon, and the men in the ship found themselves in a new world.

We surely shall see the sun shine soon We surely shall see the sun shine soon We surely shall see the sun shine soon

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. The Earth looks blue from space because 70% is covered with water. There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic. The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The Sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. The Earth looks blue from space because 70% is covered with water. There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic. The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The Sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy The star group to which our system belongs is called the Milky Way or just the Galaxy. The sun and all the stars we see in the night sky belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together. Such a group is called a galaxy.

The Solar System The Solar System is a system of planets centered on a bright star, a source of energy, heat and light ­ the Sun. In the center of the Solar system is the Sun, around which revolve in orbits nine planets. They're : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. 

Yuri Gagarin- the first man in space It was on the 12th of April, 1961, when the first flight by man into cosmic space took place. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the world, was a 27-year old Air Force pilot at that time. The spaceship flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute. That’s six times faster than man ever travelled before. His flight lasted 108 minutes. It was a brilliant achievement on the part of our scientists and technologists. Yuri Gagarin risked his life to achieve a victory for his country and mankind.

Neil Alden Armstrong   Neil Alden Armstrong  is an American aviator and former astronaut, test pilot, aerospace engineer, university professor, and United States Naval Aviator. He was the  first person to set foot on the Moon. On June 16, 1963 Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space. She spent 71 hours there.

Let’s do a small quiz: 1. Who was the first man on the Moon? a) John Glenn b) Edward Higgins c) Neil Armstrong 2. Who was the first woman in space? a) E. Kondakova b) V.Tereshkova c) P.Gagarina

3. A huge group of stars and planets a) the moon b) a galaxy c) the Solar System 4. The first space rocket of the USSR a) Vostok b) Baikonur c) Mars Which planet is the largest in the Solar system? a) Jupiter b) Pluto c) Mars

6. One of the Russian words which became internationally known a) Space b) spaceship c) Sputnik 7. Who constructed the first spaceship? a) K. Tsiolkovsky b) S. Korolev c) A. Leonov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c b b a a c b

Thank you for the lesson. Good-Bye.