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Коловская Ирина Владимировна1971
Учитель английского языка высшей категории. Хобби: фотография, кулинария, путешествия.
Россия, Иркутская обл., г. Тайшет

Урок «В мире сказок»

In the world of fairy tales

Цель: обобщить материал по теме Past Simple, правильные глаголы и применять эти знания в практической деятельности при чтении сказок

+ V+ed ? did + V1 ? - did not V1

Match the title with the picture “Snow White and seven dwarfs” “Little red riding hood” “Cinderella” “Ugly duckling” “The Snow queen” The Beauty and the Beast”

Beauty and the Beast    Once upon a time there was a very rich man who 1) lived with his three daughters. He 2) loved them very much. One day father went (отправился) to the town and their two daughters 3) asked him to bring a nice dress and beautiful shoes. His little daughter Beauty 4)wanted a red rose. “What a fool!” said the oldest and the middle sister.  And they both 5)laughed. He bought (купил) a nice dress and beautiful shoes but he 6)did not have a flower for his little daughter . On his way home he 7) passed a rose garden.  And he 8)picked a rose for Beauty. It was monster’s garden. “You will pay for this! You will die!”  - 9)cried the Beast. “Do not kill me! I only 10)picked the rose for one of my daughters.” "You have daughters?” said the Beast. “Well.  One of your daughters must come and live here forever”………… The Beauty went to the Beast. She was scared but after a while they were friends and she 11)played with his servants. They 12)loved each other. The Beauty 13)kissed the Beast and 14)stopped the evil: the Beast turned into the prince.