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Учитель английского и немецкого языков с опытом работы в школе более 35 лет.Хобби- сочинение стихов, перевод, спорт, рисование.
Россия, Санкт-Петербург


Russia Учитель Кодолова Т.В.

What is the official name of our country? Russia 2. The Federation of Russia 3.The Russian Federation

What is the total area of Russia? 17,000,000 square kilometers 70,000,000 square kilometers

How many seas…? 10 seas 11 seas 12 seas

What is the longest river in Russia? The Volga The Ob The Lena

What town in Russia is known as the “Pole of the Cold”? Irkutsk Oymyakon Yakutsk

There are about 2 million lakes in Russia Lake Seliger Lake Ladoga Lake Baikal There are about 2 million lakes in Russia. the deepest lake is…

Did you know, that There are more than 2 million rivers in Russia Russia consists of 85 entities There are more than 1,100 cities in Russia

Did you know, that The borders of Russia and the United States in the north are separated by a distance of 4 kilometers.