12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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Жеребцова Татьяна Владимировна113
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Конспект урока в 7 классе по английскому языку по теме «Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты»

can, may must, have to, should

Modal verbs of obligations. must, have to, should

1)Mary can translate the articles from that magazine. 2) She must translate this article tomorrow.

1)Я могу отправиться в путешествие. 2)Я должен отправиться в путешествие.

Are there other modal verbs in English?

Modal Verbs of Obligation Verb + - Must (приказ) Have to (has to) (необхо-димость) Should (совет) You must lay the table. Be quick! You have to get ready for your test on literature(обязан). He (she) has to get ready for his (her) test on literature (обязан). You should see the film. It’s very good. You mustn’t steal. You don‘t have to study at school on holidays. He (she) doesn‘t have to study at school on holidays. You shouldn’t  watch TV so much .

1)You must tell me the truth. 2)I have to do some shopping today. The party will be tomorrow. 3)You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to. 4)People should do more exercises.

5)You mustn‘t drive on the red light. 6) You must wash your hands before lunch. 7) I have to go to work on Sunday. 8)You should go home. It’s late.

9) You mustn’t smoke here.  10) I don’t have to go to university tomorrow. It’s Sunday. 11) You shouldn’t go to bed so late. You’ll feel bad tomorrow. 12)I love this film. You must watch it.

1 1 2 3 4 5

1)You_____________ come in time to school in the morning. 2)You look very tired. You ____________ have a short holiday. 3)Little children __________ wash their hands before they eat. 4)You __________ take these pills twice a day after meals. 5)We _____________ help to lay the table. Be quick.

1)You have to come in time to school in the morning. 2)You look very tired. You should have a short holiday. 3)Little children should wash their hands before they eat. 4)You must take these pills twice a day after meals. 5)We have to help to lay the table. Be quick.

Are there other modal verbs in English?