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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Кирьянова Юлия Григорьевна35

Past Simple or Past Progressive

Past Simple & Past Continouos Used to would

The Past Simple Tense 1st use – completed actions which happened at a certain time in the past I watched that film yesterday. 2nd use – completed actions without any time indication Pushkin wrote ‘Ruslan and Ludmila’. 3rd use – events repeated over a period of time in the past I often brought my lunch to school.

played brought walked play bring walk V (infinitive) V2 (past simple) regular irregular

Past Continuous 1st use – a longer action which was going on in the past when some short action happened Matt saw me when he was riding a bike. 2nd use – two longer actions happening at the same time in the past Luke was watering the ground while Ann was planting flowers. 3rd use – to emphasise a past action in progress around a certain time in the past We were playing tennis at 10 o’clock yesterday.

How to make a sentence + (I, he, she, it) was Ving / (you, we, they) were Ving - was / were not Ving ? was / were _________ Ving ?

Be used to Be used to means ‘be familiar with’ or ‘привык/-ла/-ли’. Note that the verb be is changed according to the tense and subject. Amy has always studied in the afternoon. But this year her classes start in the morning. And she has to get up at 7 o’clock.

Amy wasn’t used to getting up early in the morning. But now, after a month, it’s OK for her. She is used to getting up at 7 o’clock. be used to

We use the gerund (the V-ing form) after be used to: getting We can use nouns and pronouns as well as the V-ing form after be used to. I’m used to the weather in my country. The same error appears on your screen. It’s not a problem. I’m used to it. Also, we can use the verb get instead of be

get used to to talk about the process of becoming familiar with something

I'm finding this new job hard but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. At first, my new shoes were uncomfortable. But I got used to wearing them after a few days

The Future in the Past Tense the use - to express an idea that in the past we thought something would happen in the future. He thinks he will be rich. (Future Simple)