12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Нуждина Елена Николаевна132
Россия, Пензенская обл., Пенза

Презентация «Passive Voice»

The Passive is formed by using the appropriate tense of the verb to be + past participle (Ved or V3)

to be + past participle (Ved or V3)

Changing from Active into Passive We use by+agent to say who or what did the action We use with+instrument/material to say what instrument/material the agent used He was knocked down by a car. The door was locked by a man with a key. The cake was made with flour, sugar and eggs.

After modal verbs (will, can, may etc.) we use be+past participle or have been+past participle They may close down the supermarket. The supermarket may be closed down. They may have reported the bank robbery. The bank robbery may have been reported.

With verbs that take 2 objects it is more usual to begin the passive sentence with the person. They send a letter to him. He was send a letter. (more usual) A letter was sent to him. (less usual) Make, hear, see, help are followed by a to-infinitive in the passive They made me apologize I was made to apologize

Ex.1 Turn from Active into Passive Ex.2 Turn from Active into Passive

Ex.3 Turn from Passive into Active