12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Present Simple Tense

The Present Simple Tense

we use Present Simple with repeated actions Bob always brushes his teeth in the morning.

with repeated actions to describe a situation that is more or less permanent Mary works at school. we use Present Simple

with repeated actions to describe a situation that is more or less permanent with habits Peter drinks coffee every morning. we use Present Simple

time markers never rarely sometimes usually often always every day/week/month/year at night in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

I He, she, it You, we, they How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? +

I + V He, she, it + V -s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? +

Children play football every day. Nick plays football every day.

I + V He, she, it + V-s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? + — I He, she, it You, we, they

I + V He, she, it + V-s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? + — I + do not He, she, it + does not You, we, they + do not

I + V He, she, it + V-s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? + — I + don’t + V He, she, it + doesn’t + V You, we, they + don’t + V

Children don`t play football every day. Nick doesn`t play football every day.

I + V He, she, it + V-s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? + — ? Do Does Do I + don’t + V He, she, it + doesn’t + V You, we, they + don’t + V

I + V He, she, it + V-s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? + — ? Do + I Does + he, she, it Do + you, we, they I + don’t + V He, she, it + doesn’t + V You, we, they + don’t + V

I + V He, she, it + V-s or -es You, we, they + V How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense? + — ? Do + I + V Does + he, she, it + V Do + you, we, they + V I + don’t + V He, she, it + doesn’t + V You, we, they + don’t + V

Do children play football every day? Does Nick play football every day?