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Евдакименко Виктория Викторовна3828
Россия, Свердловская обл., Нижний Тагил

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия, с использованием компьютера по теме «Halloween»

Презентация по английскому языку по теме « Хэллоуин».

Happy Halloween

The sky is black, the moon is white Do you know tonight’s the night When witches fly above the street And boys and girls say “Trick or treat”.

In America and Britain people have a special holiday on the night of the October, 31st. It’s Halloween, a night of magic, when ghosts and witches come out! WHEN and WHERE

Children like this holiday very much. They decorate their houses and schools with pictures of black cats, bats, goblins and witches. WHO

They make lamps from pumpkins, dress up in scary costumes and have noisy parties. Kids like to play “Trick or Treat" on Halloween night. They dress up as ghosts and witches, go to people’s houses and say “Trick or Treat”. The people must give them a “treat”(sweets or cookies). If they don’t , the kids play a trick on them! WHAT

Let’s repeat some words. pumpkin – тыква bat – летучая мышь candy – конфета costume – костюм ghost – призрак, дух haunted – населенный призраками spooky – жуткий, похожий на приведение vampire – вампир werewolf – оборотень witch – ведьма a broom – метла trick or treat – обычай, согласно которому на праздник Хэллоуин дети стучатся в двери и требуют угощения skeleton – скелет mummy – мумия

Конкурс №1. Answer the following questions. 1. When is Halloween celebrated? A) December 25-th B) February 14-th C) October 31-st 2. What colors are associated with Halloween? a) Red and green b) Orange and black c) Yellow and blue 3. Who can walk through the walls? a) Witches b) Goblins c) Ghosts 4. What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away? a) Garlic b) Onion c) Pepper 5. How many bones are there in the human skeleton? a) About 50 b) Over 200 c) Over 1000 6. What does a witch use for transport? a) A hat b) A broomstick c) A motorbike

Конкурс №2 And now listen to my riddles! 1. I flight at night because I don't like light 2. I'm scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? 3. I've got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I? 4. I'm round on all sides. I've got a light inside. Who am I? 5. I've got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I? 6. I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I?

Конкурс № 3 «Заклинание ведьмы.» How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck would chuck wood? - We’ll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

Конкурс № 5. Crossword. Here are the clues: Witches ride on this The colour of a pumpkin White circle in the sky Insect with 8 legs Trick or … The colour of a ghost The colour of a blood

Конкурс № 6 “Halloween Word Searcher”

Конкурс № 7 «Telegrams» Alittlewitchandahorribleskullappeared. Whiteghostandagreenmonsterfollowme