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Материал опубликовал
Мурзабеков Амир Маулидович61

Информационно-познавательная игра «The ABCity-play»

Тема: «Путешествие по городам Великобритании»

Целевая аудитория: Подростки 14-16 лет (7-9 классы).

Уровень языковой подготовки: Основная школа.

Цели игры: Развивать умения и навыки чтения текстов на английском языке с полным пониманием; Развивать умения и навыки говорения: ребята должны уметь обсуждать содержание прочитанного и выражать своё мнение; Пробуждать любознательность и желание проявить свои знания и умения в использовании английского языка; Уметь работать самостоятельно и в группе для достижения результата.

Что нужно подготовить для успешного проведения Игры:

1. 4 картинки с видами городов Великобритании, разрезанные на пазлы – для создания рабочих групп-команд. Эти же картинки, собранные из пазлов, будут использоваться для выполнения заданий:

Задание №1-определить, какой город изображён на собранном пазле (1 балл),

Задание №2-какая достопримечательность изображена на собранном пазле (1 балл));

2. 1 лист с заголовком «АВСity» и контурной картой Великобритании + 4 фломастера, разных цветов, для проведения конкурса «Кто знает больше всех городов Великобритании» (за каждый записанный по – английски город, команда получает 1 балл);

3. Рабочий лист №1 для выполнения Задания «Кто отгадает быстрее всех, о каких городах идёт речь» ( всего 4 экз.), (макс.4 балла);

4. Физическая карта Великобритании – 4 экз.;

5. 4 конверта с 6-ю картинками - достопримечательностями английских городов.

6. Путевой лист (отдельно для каждой команды);

7. Рабочий лист №2 – Тексты для чтения на английском языке ( 4 экз.);

8. Рабочий лист №3 – Таблица для заполнения пропусков (4 экз.);

9. Грамоты или подарки командам. Подсчитываются баллы и подводятся итоги игры.

Правила игры: Каждая, сформированная с помощью пазлов команда, получает свой Путевой лист и занимает место на Станции (согласно путевому листу). Здесь она находит Контурную карту Великобритании и выполняет задания: Задание №1-определить и отметить на карте город, изображённый на собранном пазле (1 б.); Задание №2-назвать достопримечательность, изображённую на собранном пазле (1 балл); Задание №3-на доске прикреплён лист с контурной картой Великобритании. Каждая команда по очереди подходит к доске и подписывает фломастером название города на карте. По цвету фломастера определяются баллы для каждой команды. Время ограничивается 2-3 минутами. Задание №4-команды получают Физическую карту Великобритании и конверт с 6-ю фото-картинками – достопримечательностями английских городов. Следует определить города, где находятся эти достопримечательности. Задание №5 – «Кто отгадает быстрее всех города, о которых идёт речь» (Рабочий лист №1)

Информация о городе


St. James`s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of ……………


…………………. is proud of Walter Scott, the father of the historical novel in world literature, and Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous English writer.


………………… is an important center of ship-building – it was here that the “Titanic” was built and sent out on her fatal voyage.


………………… is located in the northern part of England, not far from Liverpool.


Ключ к заданию «Кто отгадает быстрее всех города, о которых идёт речь» (Раб. лист №1)

Информация о городе


St. James`s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of ……………


…………………. is proud of Walter Scott, the father of the historical novel in world literature, and Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous English writer.


………………… is an important center of ship-building – it was here that the “Titanic” was built and sent out on her fatal voyage.


………………… is located in the northern part of England, not far from Liverpool.


Задание №6 – “Great Britain” – команда должна, как можно быстрее, прочитать тексты о городах Великобритании, понять содержание и заполнить пропуски в таблице. Команды получают по одному тексту из 4-х, согласно путевому листу. Прочитав все 4 текста, заполняют таблицу в рабочем листе №3. Набирают столько баллов, сколько дадут правильных ответов (макс. 23 балла). Кто первый выполнит, тот и победил.

(Рабочий лист №3 – таблица для заполнения пропусков)

Текст “Great Britain”с пропущенными словами


Пропущенное слово


……….. other places of interest in Belfast are the Queen`s University with many fine new buildings, the Cathedral of St. Anne and the Art Gallery



……….. is one of the youngest capital cities in the world and it grows very fast.



The Manchester ………… … …………. was created in 1820.



The palace was built in 1703 by the ………. Buckingham.



…………. is the capital of Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.



The museum is ………. for its library – one of the richest in the world.



It seems that past and present live in Edinburgh side by side, and it …………. a special charm to the city.



On the ………… tower there is the largest clock in the country, Big Ben.



However in the late 18th century the ……….. revolution began.



There are many beautiful parks in London: St. James`s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park…



In 919 the ……….. repaired the old Roman fort as a defence against the Danes.



Many great men have ………. and worked in Edinburgh.



…………… is one of the English most important cities.



There are many museums in London. For example, the British Museum, the …… History Museum, the Science Museum.



The …………… of Belfast are rich in beautiful parks.



This ………. is a museum with a number of museums inside it.



The official London residence of the …… is Buckingham Palace.



The Saxons called any ………….. town or fort a “caster” .



Belfast has the largest in the world ………… .



Some of the ……………. plants are 100 years old.



Manchester ……………… was founded in 1903.



It was here that the “Titanic” was built and sent out on her fatal …………. .



To the west of …………….. is West End, the richest part of London.


Ключ к тексту “Great Britain”


Ключ к тексту “Great Britain”


Ключ к тексту “Great Britain”










hamber of Commerce





































Задание №7 – каждая команда рассказывает о к-либо городе, убеждая «туриста» обязательно посетить именно его город. (Можно использовать домашнюю заготовку-презентацию-время ограничивается 1 минутой – 5 баллов).

Подведение итогов игры. Награждение победителей и призёров.


Путевой лист


Путевой лист


Путевой лист


Путевой лист


Текст для чтения

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural center. It`s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. The Tower of London and St. Paul`s Cathedral are situated in the City.

Westminster is also important part of the capital. It`s administrative center of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned and many famous people were buried. The Houses of Parliament are often referred to as the Palace of Westminster.

The Towers of the Houses of Parliament stand high above the city. On the highest tower there is the largest clock in the country, Big Ben. Big Ben strikes every quarter of an hour.

To the west of Westminster is West End, the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, supermarkets, cinemas and concert-halls. In the center of the West End the Trafalgar Square is situated with the famous statue of Lord Nelson.

To the east of Westminster is East End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke Buckingham. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place in its courtyard.

There are many museums in London. For example, the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum. The British Museum is the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library – one of the richest in the world.

There are many beautiful parks in London: St. James`s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of London.

Текст для чтения

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It lies in seven hills and goes down those hills to the sea. The highest hill is three hundred meters above the sea. From the street in the center of the city you can see ships coming to Edinburgh from different countries of the world.

In the “old town” the streets are narrow. The tall houses with narrow windows go up the hills to Edinburgh castle, which is one thousand years old. The streets are straight and well planned, so it is easy to walk in the city when you go sightseeing in Edinburgh. Many great men have lived and worked in Edinburgh. Robert burns, the great Scottish poet, published his first book of poems in Edinburgh. There is a monument to him in the city. Edinburgh is also proud of Walter Scott, the father of the historical novel in world literature, and Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous English writer.

This city is a great educational center, there are three universities. Scientists such as John Napier who invented logarithms, Adam Smith, the father of political economy, Alexander Bell, the inventor of the telephone also lived and worked in Edinburgh.

The Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh is another official residence of besides the Queen Buckingham Palace. This Palace is a museum with a number of museums inside it. There are the Museum of Childhood with its unique collection of toys and games, the writer`s Museum, the People`s Story Museum, which tells the story of ordinary people.

It seems that past and present live in Edinburgh side by side, and it gives a special charm to the city. But in fact, Edinburgh is a busy town. People are employed in manufacturing industry: electrical and electronics engineering, paper printing and publishing, food and drink industry.

Текст для чтения


Manchester is one of the English most important cities. It is located in the northern part of England, not far from Liverpool. Today the population of Manchester is 438,000.

Manchester began, when a wooden fort was built by the Roman army on a plateau about 80 AD.

However in 407 the Roman army left Britain and the civilian settlement disappeared. The stone fort fell into ruin.

In 7th century the Saxons created a new village, but it was tiny. The Saxons called any Roman town or fort a caester. By 1086 the settlement was called Mamecester. In time the name changed to Manchester. In 919 the king repaired the old Roman fort as a defence against the Danes.

At the time of the Normans in the 11th century Manchester was a small village. The village of Manchester was made into a town in the early 13th century. In Manchester there was a wool industry.

During the 16th century and the 17th Manchester grew steadily larger and more important.

In the early 18th century Manchester probably had a population of around 10,000. It was still a medium sized town. The town continued to be famous for manufacturing wool, cotton, linen and silk. The first theatre in Manchester opened in 1753. In 1761 the Bridgewater canal was built to bring coal from a coalfield to the town. However in the late 18th century the industrial revolution began. The population of Manchester soared and by the end of the century it had reached 70,000.
The Manchester Chamber of Commerce was created in 1820. From 1828 horse drawn buses ran in the streets. In 1830 a railway to Liverpool opened.

In the early 19th century Manchester became world famous as a manufacturing centre. Wool, silk and cotton were manufactured and vast numbers of working people worked 12 hour days in the mills. There was also a paper making industry and iron foundries. Manchester University was founded in 1903. The central library was built in 1934.

Tourism also became an important industry in the late 20th century. In 1996 the city centre was devastated by IRA bombs but it was rebuilt. The phoenix rose from the ashes.

Текст для чтения

Belfast, a capital of Northern Ireland, is its main administrative, economic and cultural center. It is situated at the mouth of the river Lagan on the shores of Belfast Lough.

Belfast is one of the youngest capital cities in the world and it grows very fast. Today the city has a population of 400,000, nearly a third of the entire population of Northern Ireland, but in the 17th century it was only a village. Then, during the 19th century, the development of industries like linen, rope-making, engineering and the sea-trade doubled the town`s size every ten years.

Nowadays Belfast is an important center of textile manufacture, aircraft production, electrical engineering and ship-building - it was here that the “Titanic” was built and sent out on her fatal voyage. Belfast has the largest in the world shipyard.

……….. other places of interest in Belfast are the Queen`s University with many fine new buildings, the Cathedral of St. Anne and the Art Gallery.

The outskirts of Belfast are rich in beautiful parks. The Botanic Gardens contain a rich collection ofrare plants. Some of the tropical plants are 100 years old. The Palm House built in 1850 usuallyattracts the visitors' attention.

Приложение «Как создать презентацию», например: Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland

Создайте учебную презентацию на английском языке в программе Microsoft Power Point. Следуйте следующим правилам:

Презентация должна содержать не менее 7 слайдов: 2 слайда - титульный и заключительный, 5 слайдов с текстом и изображениями по заданной теме.

На титульном слайде напишите тему своей работы, фамилию, имя, класс (*Петрова Мария, 6 "А").

На заключительном слайде перечислите используемые источники информации (*www.yandex.ru, Детская энциклопедия "Страны и города мира" и т.д.)

Слайды с текстом должны быть контрастными: темный фон - светлый текст, светлый фон - темный текст. Размер шрифта должен иметь размер не менее 18 пунктов для удобства чтения при проекции на экран. Текста не должно быть слишком много, слайды должны быть лаконичными и информативными.

Картинки и фотографии должны также соответствовать размеру для удобства восприятия, они не должны занимать более 50% слайда и выступать задним фоном.

Анимационное оформление следует использовать минимальное, не отвлекая внимание учащихся на выезжающие медленно буквы или проявление заголовка и текста по буквам.

При создании презентации улыбайтесь и будьте в хорошем настроении, успех вам обеспечен!

Рекомендуемые Интернет-ресурсы:

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belfast

2. http://www.answers.com/topic/belfast

3. http://www.oracleireland.com/Ireland/Countys/antrim/z-belfast.htm

4. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=belfast&rpt=image

5. http://www.google.ru/ Вкладка - картинки – Belfast



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