12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Екатерина Максимовна Валтонен504
Россия, Москва, Москва

Тест на лексику времен года, There is/There are, Present Simple and Present Continuous


First name_________Surname_________________Form________Date 27.02.09

Fill in the missing words in each gap. Use the following words:

to sledge, to play snowballs, snow, winter, cold, autumn

a) ______________is a beautiful season.

b) Winter comes after ____________.

c) The weather is usually __________ in winter.

d) There are a lot of __________ in winter.

e) In winter children like ___________and ______________.

Put in : There is or There are.

a) ______________four seasons in a year.

b)______________a teacher in the classroom.

c)______________a garden in front of the house.

d)______________sixty minutes in an hour.

e)______________no people in the street.

Use Present Simple or Present Continuous.

a) They often (to go) to the cinema.________________________________

b) He (to sleep) in his room now. __________________________________

c) Kate (to watch) TV every day. ___________________________________

d) We (to play) snowballs in the street now.__________________________

e) My cat (to like) milk. __________________________________________

Word puzzle. Guess the word.

a) s,a,s,o,n,e ________________

b) i,n,w,r,e,t_________________

c) I,r,n,a ____________________

d) n,o,w,s___________________

e) i,b,r,g,t,h _________________

Crossword. Look at the picture and fill in words in each line.


t1579192546ab.jpg 2. t1579192546ac.jpg

3. t1579192546ad.jpg 4. t1579192546ae.jpg

5. t1579192546af.jpg 6. t1579192546ag.jpg

7 t1579192546ah.jpg . t1579192546ai.jpg 8. t1579192546aj.jpg 9.

Find the mystery word in the crossword above and write it.  The mystery word is _________________.


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