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Логинова Татьяна Николаевна29

Тест 1 (А) по разделу «It’s a wonderfuf planet we live on» к учебнику Биболетовой. М.З, Трубаневой Н.Н. «Enjoy English 8 класс »

Данный вариант теста 1 (А) по разделу «Its a wonderfuf planet we live on» разработан учителем Логиновой Т.Н. к учебнику Биболетовой. М.З, Трубаневой Н.Н. «Enjoy English 8 класс » для проверки качества знаний по данному разделу.

TEST Un1 (A)

Ex.1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple, Past Cont. or Past Perf. ( 10 points).

Steve __1__ (have) an accident yesterday. He ___2__ (drive) his car when a bird __3__ (fly) into the windscreen.

What ___4__ (you/do) at 5 o'clock yesterday? - I __5___ (watch) TV.

I __6__ (do) my homework by the time my parents __7__ (come) back home.

While she ___8___ (have) a bath, he ___9___ (cook) dinner.

They ____10___ (return) home at 7 o'clock.

Ex.2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous. (5 points)

She _______ (cook) dinner since early morning.

I _____ (meet) these people before.

We are good friends. We ______ (know) each other for 5 years.

How long ______ (you/learn) English?

She ________ (always/want) to become a singer.

Ex.3.Translate from Russian into English. (встречать – to meet) (10 points)

Где Анна? Она встречает свою тетю сейчас.

На этой неделе я встретился с ним дважды.

Когда я шел по улице я встретил Тома.

Он часто встречает этого человека.

Прежде я часто встречал его, а сейчас я вижу его редко.

Я встречаю его каждый день с понедельника.

После того как я встретил ее, мы пошли в кино.

Я встречал моего друга, когда увидел Анну.

Вчера в 5 часов я встречал моего друга.

Я не встретил его вчера.

Ex.4. Complete the sentences with articles A(N), THE or no article (-). (5 points)

____ Moon goes round ____ Earth.

What ____ useful information!

What ___ lovely day!

Would you like to travel in ____ space.

Ex.5. Complete the sentences with the words from he list. There is one extra word in the list.:HURT, BROADCASTING, SHAKING, DESTROYED, OCCUR, LAUNCHED, UNIVERSE, EARTHQUAKE, DROUGHT, PREDICT, RESEARCH. (10 points)

A sudden shaking of the ground is a(n) ___________ .

The tornado _______ several houses.

Tornadoes _______ throughout the world.

Russia leads in many areas of space _______ .

Can people ______ floods nowadays?

He _____ his leg while he was playing football.

What's wrong with you? You are _______ like a leaf.

A new project was ______ 3 days ago.

There are a lot of galaxies in the ________ .

He entered the room when the warning about the flood was _______ .

Ex.6. Fill in the correct preposition. (5 points)

_____ the way homee he met his friend.

He was amazed _____ the view from his window.

____ the distance he could see a lot of people running.

This is the limit ____ my patience.

When he saw a snake he froze _____ fear.

Ex.7. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in BOLD.(5 points).


It was a ______ hurricane.



A volcanic _______ can cause a lot of damage.



The weather in the UK can be very ______



______ people can't predict many disasters.



She is an ________ young girl with blue eyes.


TOTAL – 50 points


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