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Россия, Карелия респ., Северодвинск

Презентация об Исааке Левитане к уроку английского языка по теме «Русские художники»

Isaac Ilich Levitan

Biography This great Russian landscape master was born in Lithuania, but he lived all his life in Russia. Repeatedly, his Jewish descent caused him many humiliations, but did not force him to leave this country, which he idolized and praised in his paintings.

Autumn Day in Sokolniki Already the first landscapes of Levitan received high marks from Perov and Savrasov, and the Tretyakov himself even bought his painting Autumn Day in Sokolniki. But in 1879, Isaac Levitan, along with all the Jews expelled from Moscow. Only through the tremendous efforts of friends and teachers does he manage to return to the city.

1880 In the 1880s, the artist painted many amazing paintings that made him very famous. These were "Pines", "Autumn" and "First Snow". But the next humiliation forced the author to leave Moscow again and go to the Crimea. On the peninsula, the artist writes a number of amazing works and significantly improves his financial condition. This allows him to travel around Europe and get acquainted with the works of world masters. The peak of Levitan's work was his painting “Over Eternal Peace”.