12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Карелия респ., Северодвинск

Презентация о Владимире Бондаре к уроку английского языка по теме «Русские художники»

Vladimir Bondar Artist, book illustrator. Known for his work for the authors of the genres fiction and fantasy.

The illustration to the novel by A. Pehowa "Letos»

The illustration to the novel by A. Pehowa "Seekers of the wind»

Figure to the novel by A. Pekhov, E. Bychkova and N. Turchaninova "Founder»

The illustration to the novel by A. Pehowa, E. Bychkova and N. Turczaninovii "the Sorcerer of the clan of Death»

The drawing to nick Perumov's novel "the Loneliness of the magician»

Drawing to the novel by Sergei Lukyanenko "fidget»

Figure to the novel by A. Pekhov, E. Bychkova and N. Turchaninova "New gods»

Figure to the collection of A. Pekhov, E. Bychkova and N. Turchaninova "Chance»

Figure to the novel by A. Pekhov, E. Bychkova and N. Turchaninova "Casters»