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Чистякова Наталья Анатольевна21

Зеленчукская обсерватория

Observatory of Zelenchukskaya Presented by Artemy Gonnov, Georgievsk, grammar school 2, form – 9 C

The largest astronomical center of Russia is located in the mountains between the village of Zelenchukskaya and the village of Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia. A special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences was built here in 1966. The largest astronomical center of Russia is located in the mountains between the village of Zelenchukskaya and the village of Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia. A special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences was built here in 1966.

The main “dome” is visible from the road that leads to Arkhyz. If you want to drive closer, you need to overcome 10 km of mountain serpentine. The main “dome” is visible from the road that leads to Arkhyz. If you want to drive closer, you need to overcome 10 km of mountain serpentine.

The most noteworthy object of the research center is the Large Azimuthal Telescope, which is shown to tourists on excursions. The mirror diameter of this telescope reaches 6 meters. This telescope is mounted on the slopes of Mount Pastukhov at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level. There are also two small telescopes with a diameter of 1 and 0.6 meters. These telescopes are available not only to scientists, but also to simple tourists. One of the services of the observatory offers tourists to stay overnight to observe the starry sky. The most noteworthy object of the research center is the Large Azimuthal Telescope, which is shown to tourists on excursions. The mirror diameter of this telescope reaches 6 meters. This telescope is mounted on the slopes of Mount Pastukhov at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level. There are also two small telescopes with a diameter of 1 and 0.6 meters. These telescopes are available not only to scientists, but also to simple tourists. One of the services of the observatory offers tourists to stay overnight to observe the starry sky.