12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ромашова Мария Борисовна200
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

Проект на тему "Loyalty Program"

Hotel «Russian soul» loyalty program Made by: Pavlova Elizaveta 9GD-31

My hotel is called «Russian soul» Loyalty program - only the best prices for the services of our hotel complex! The program member card provides a discount on the following goods and services: subsequent residence, all menus in hotel restaurants, products of the confectionery shop "Moroshka", services for holding events in the restaurant complex, gift bags (wedding).

There are 3 stages at regular guest card, which gives the advantages:

Card with the "CLASSIC" status Issued upon first check-in at the hotel and provides the opportunity to take advantage of discounts immediately on the day of arrival: 7% discount on accommodation from any price for subsequent bookings by phone and on the website 7% discount in hotel restaurants, Moroshka confectionery from the day of arrival; 7% discount on gift packages: "Gift", "Romantic", "Wedding".

Card with the "PREMIUM" status The status of the card changes automatically upon reaching savings in the amount of 50,000 rubles, and provides the following privileges: late check-out until 15:00 **; 10% discount on accommodation from any price for reservations by phone and on the website; 10% discount at hotel restaurants, Moroshka confectionery; 10% discount on gift packages: "Gift", "Romantic", "Wedding"; special conditions for holding events in the hotel complex.

VIP card The status of the card changes automatically when savings are reached in the amount of 200,000 rubles and more, and provides the following privileges: free upgrade of the room category; early check-in from 09-00 and late check-out until 16:00; compliment from the hotel; 10% discount on accommodation from any price for reservations by phone and on our website; 10% discount in hotel restaurants, confectionery “Moroshka; 10% discount on gift packages: "Gift", "Romantic", "Wedding"; special conditions for holding events in the hotel complex.