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Мой любимый писатель.Сидней Шелдон

My favorite writer The project was prepared by Lisa Gilderman, grade 8 Sidney Sheldon

Sidney Sheldon's real name is Shechtel. A place of birth of the writer is Chicago, the USA

Sidney Sheldon was born on February 11, 1917

The boy took an early interest in literature: his first poems were published when Sidney was ten years old. After that, Sheldon began to earn money by creating scripts for movies.

 Sidney Sheldon preferred to write scripts in the comedy genre, but in literature he chose a detective story.

The writer was particularly proud of telling his readers only what he knew.

In 1970 Sheldon created his first novel “Unmask”, which was soon awarded the Poe Prize.

Sidney Sheldon's book rating Place Name Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 If Tomorrow Comes Broken Dreams Intriguer Stranger in the Mirror Anger of Angels The Flip Side of the Moon Blood Ties 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4